Reviews Request

If you would like to write a review for E-International Relations you are welcome to get in touch. We publish reviews of books as well as other media such as films, video games and podcasts. Before you get in touch, please note that we do not accept unsolicited reviews. You must send us a reviewer request first to with a brief proposal for what you would like to review. Please attach a CV and/or link an academic website so we know a bit about your background. It would be helpful if you let us know in your email if you already have in your possession the item (book etc.) that you want to review, or if you would like us to attempt to provide it to you.

Please note the following criteria before you proceed for an idea of our format for those reviews we commission:

  • You should have expertise in a relevant area to the subject of the review – this includes PhD students/candidates, post-docs, established academics or those with relevant practitioner experience. We do not accept reviews from undergraduate or master’s students.
  • Reviews are expected to be between 800–1500 words and referenced to academic standards.
  • Reviewers are expected to critically analyse the content, not merely describe it.
  • Engagement in an editorial process, where edits may be requested, is expected.
  • If we commission your review, we will agree a mutually acceptable deadline with you.
  • Our Publishing Agreement covers all content associated with E-International Relations.

Our editorial team works to review and respond to all emails within 1–14 days of receipt. Please check your spam folder if you do not see an email from us within that period. If you have any questions, or need to chase us up, we welcome your email.

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