
Telling the Story of the Comfort Women

Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay • Mar 18 2019 • Articles

By telling the story of the comfort women and identifying all responsible parties, a future world can be built where all women will experience dignity and respect.

The Great War and the Polish Question in Imperial Russia, 1914–1917

Ivan Basenko • Mar 18 2019 • Articles

This study uncovers the evolution of the Kiev press’s attitude towards the Poles within the context of the German‑Russian clash in the First World War.

Herbert C. Hoover and Poland, 1929–1933: Between Myth and Reality

Halina Parafianowicz • Mar 17 2019 • Articles

The US approach towards Poland and Polish matters during Hoover’s presidency in the context of East Central European policy was extremely important, yet hardly archived.

The Weimar Republic’s Policies Towards the Baltic Germans

Agne Cepinskyte • Mar 16 2019 • Articles

Post-WWI the Baltic States not only slipped away from the German sphere of influence, but they also deprived the Baltic-Germans of their previous ruling status.

Disputing Venezuela’s Disputes

Marco Cupolo • Mar 14 2019 • Articles

Disputes regarding the severity of the Venezuelan crisis, the need for international intervention, and authorities legitimately are the core of Venezuela’s problems.

5 Reasons Why the West Got Islamist Terrorism Wrong

Ayla Göl • Mar 14 2019 • Articles

Essentializing Islam will not help us find a solution to the use of violence by Muslims. On the contrary, it will only impede the understanding of anti-Western terrorism.

The Iranian Revolution at 40: Shifting Grounds, Continuing Resilience

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Mar 14 2019 • Articles

Despite challenges, the Islamic Republic is here to stay with its military and social capacity to defend itself from foreign aggression and domestic intervention.

American Policy towards Czechoslovakia, 1918–1945

Artem Zorin • Mar 13 2019 • Articles

Despite calls for support from Czechoslovak democratic forces, the U.S. showed no intentions of increasing its influence in the republic following both World Wars.

Balancing in Central Europe: Great Britain and Hungary in the 1920s

Tamás Magyarics • Mar 13 2019 • Articles

The most important issue in British-Hungarian relations was the economic and financial stabilisation of Hungary, which reflected British priorities within the region.

What to Do When You Don’t Like a Topic You Teach?

Gustav Meibauer • Mar 12 2019 • Articles

Some dislike very narrow things, such as single concepts, specific time periods or empirical cases. Others dislike broad theories, large-scale phenomena, and entire (sub-)disciplines.

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