
The #LondonIsOpen Campaign: Desecuritizing Brexit?

Faye Donnelly and Jasmine K. Gani • Jun 21 2017 • Articles

The #LondonIsOpen Campaign shows us that there is not just one viable model of Brexit and that alternative approaches exist and are being forged right now.

Brexit: The View from Australia

Minh Bui • Jun 20 2017 • Articles

Australia’s recent integration with the Asia-Pacific region means that its dependence on the UK for the movement of goods and services is no longer as significant.

‘What Goes on in the Coffin’: Border Knowledges in North American Literature

Astrid M. Fellner and Susanne Hamscha • Jun 16 2017 • Articles

Indigenous knowledges are a vital pillar of the North American imaginary, yet highlight the processes of exclusion making them invisible to literature.

Informal Colonialism of Egyptology: The French Expedition to the Security State

Christian Langer • Jun 16 2017 • Articles

Western Egyptology offers Egyptian elites a legitimising ideological narrative of paternalist rule, thus the decolonisation of Egyptology is an imminently political act.

Brexit: The View from Ukraine

Anna Bilous • Jun 16 2017 • Articles

Brexit has the potential to bring Ukraine and the UK closer than they have ever been before, vis-à-vis the EU.

Time to Start Reading Latin American History!

Charles Jones • Jun 14 2017 • Articles

The political history of certain Latin American republics is discussed as a cautionary tale regarding the current growth of populism within the European Union.

Russians as Terrorist Victims

David R. Marples • Jun 14 2017 • Articles

If we are ever to co-exist in peace and with mutual understanding with Russia, we could begin by signalling that Russian victims of terrorism are no less important than others.

Decentralisation in Ukraine: Pros, Cons, and Prospects

David R. Marples • Jun 13 2017 • Articles

Ukraine’s case is complicated by a civil conflict that has involved the direct intervention of a foreign power – Russia – and the more distant involvement of western powers.

Europe in the Macron Era: En Marche Once More?

Susi Dennison • Jun 12 2017 • Articles

Following Macron’s victory, Europe’s leaders must show that the EU can provide the opportunities it promises, through delivery on the issues that voters care about most.

Hungary, the Barbed Wire Fence of Europe

Nora Berend • Jun 12 2017 • Articles

The Hungarian government’s, anti-migration and anti-EU, posturing persists as a populist strategy to maintain a firm grip on power.

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