Political Economy

The BRI in Kazakhstan: The Chinese Dream with Kazakh Characteristics?

Antonios Vitalis • Feb 26 2023 • Essays

The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative’s ability to align with its principle of win-win in Kazakhstan has proved successful, particularly in the Nurly Zhol project.

Navigating the Complexities of Business and Human Rights

Jeanne Saint-Martin • Feb 23 2023 • Essays

Capitalism has implemented different mechanisms to legitimize itself, CSR is one of this tools that has been held for debate about whether is effective or not.

International Relations Is Not Post Postcolonialism in the Twenty-First Century

Maya Dotson • Jan 31 2023 • Essays

The Rana Plaza collapse was an event that made Postcolonialism and World Systems Theory come into consideration.

Transnational Corporations, State Capacity and Development in Nigeria

Olusola Samuel Oyetunde • Nov 11 2022 • Essays

While TNCs have sometimes acted as development agents in host countries, their developmental contribution is marginal.

Is Dependency Theory Relevant in the Twenty-First Century?

Olusola Samuel Oyetunde • Aug 17 2022 • Essays

Dependency theory explains the inability of Global South countries to take ownership of their national development, supported by a case study in IMF-Nigeria relations.

Ideology and Economic Policy in European Social Democracy c.1890-2010

Daniel Esson • Aug 11 2022 • Essays

Analysis of Swedish, German and British socialist parties reveals how tradition of social democracy has been evolving due to changing circumstances.

Populism and Extractivism in Mexico and Brazil: Progress or Power Consolidation?

Ian Granit • Jul 26 2022 • Essays

AMLO and Bolsonaro both consolidate power in their countries, while their promises of progress through the extractive industries have thus far been barely effective.

“In sight of surrender”: Critical Analysis of the 2022 Sanction Regime on Russia

Hans Iver Traaseth Skogvang • Jul 13 2022 • Essays

Sanctions are unlikely to produce any policy concessions on the sanction state side, and may even produce unwanted developments, all the while aggravating suffering.

Neoliberalism in the UK and New Zealand: Validating Ideational Analyses

Antonios Vitalis • Jun 30 2022 • Essays

Analysing differences in social policy between NZ and the UK, which implemented similar economic policies 1984-1990, requires an ideationally focused critical lens.

Balancing Rivalry and Cooperation: Japan’s Response to the BRI in Southeast Asia

Tien Ce Joe • Jun 20 2022 • Essays

Japan’s response to the BRI is not monolithic, and the Sino-Japanese infrastructure rivalry in Southeast Asia is more geostrategic than it is economic.

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