Political Economy

Is Automation Liberating? The Flawed Optimism Of Postcapitalist Visions

Thomas Horton • Sep 2 2018 • Essays

Contrary to some arguments, increasing automation in the economy will not necessarily lead to a workless, postcapitalist future that is liberating for all.

The Development-Security Nexus: An Exploitative Past and Present

Riley Barrett • Jul 24 2018 • Essays

The nexus between development and security is a timeworn institution with a Eurocentric history that proves exploitative for non-Western peoples.

‘One Belt, One Road’: Sign of a Revisionist or Integrative China?

Akil Yunus • Jul 22 2018 • Essays

The motive for the OBOR initiative ought to be viewed from a realist lens, failing to do so would grossly underestimate China’s growing authority in the region.

How Do Everyday Objects and Practices Relate to IPE?

Frederico Rafael Silva • Jun 21 2018 • Essays

Studying the aspects of everyday life creates a fresh perspective on IPE that breaks from traditional assumptions about social behavior and interactions.

The Prisoner’s Dilemma in Environmental Politics: One Model to Rule Them All?

Andreï-Bogdan Sterescu • Jun 14 2018 • Essays

In International Environmental Politics the important decision-theoretic features of the climate problem or overexploitation are not exhausted by the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

The Contemporary Neoliberal State and Economic Violence

Katharina Kesztyus • May 31 2018 • Essays

Neoliberal states such as the United States and Great Britain seek to promote and enhance structural inequality within their borders by exerting economic violence.

Assessing the Merits of Post-Fordism from a Gendered IPE Approach

Lucas Arndell • Apr 2 2018 • Essays

The introduction of women into the labour force tackled society’s subservient ideologies seen in the Fordist placement of women solely within domestic and reproductive spheres.

Hegemonic Challenge: Chinese State Capitalism and its Growing Global Presence

Samuel Davis • Mar 14 2018 • Essays

Chinese state capitalism represents an alternative approach to the Washington Consensus dominated by the U.S. and other developed countries.

Is China Using the AIIB to Reinvent Asian Regionalism?

Amreeta Das • Mar 12 2018 • Essays

China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will not reinvent Asian regionalism as we know it today and will instead strengthen existing regional ties.

Security State Logic and Neoliberal Splendor: The Treasure Trove Border

Gabrielle Wolf • Feb 22 2018 • Essays

The United States has created a paradoxical border with Mexico by restricting the flow of people while at the same time encouraging the free-flow of goods and capital.

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