Archive for 2015

Why Are Civil Wars so Protracted and Difficult to End?

Arij Elshelmani • Nov 20 2015 •

Civil wars are more protracted and difficult to terminate for numerous reasons. Nevertheless, a number of critical factors that fuel these wars can be distinguished.

The West Needs a Strategic Pause before Working with Russia

Robert W. Murray and Joe Varner • Nov 19 2015 • Articles

There are a number of reasons why empowering Russia in the Middle East is a dangerous idea, and should create serious pause for Western states

Interview – Jeffrey Wasserstrom

E-International Relations • Nov 18 2015 • Features

Wasserstrom talks about China’s shifting place in the world given its political history, economics, foreign policy and the continued need for research in this field.

The South China Seas: a Manageable Dispute

Kerry Brown • Nov 17 2015 • Articles

Reaching a pragmatic solution to the problem of the contested territories of the South China Sea requires complex diplomatic efforts on the side of all parties involved.

Review – The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914

Christian Scheinpflug • Nov 17 2015 • Features

A work of prime scholarship on the origins of the First World War, within which students and scholars of international relations will find plenty of substance.

Global Pandemics: A Security Threat?

Joseph Jegat • Nov 17 2015 • Essays

This essay has argued that global pandemics are a threat to state security, the extent to which they are a threat however, is determined by how developed the state is.

Should Private Military Companies be used in UN Peace Operations?

Lauren Grace Fitzsimons • Nov 17 2015 • Essays

Since deficiencies are being exposed as poorly trained UN peacekeepers struggle to fulfill their mandates, PMCs should be used as a second best peacekeeping force.

Open International Relations: The Digital Commons and the Future of IR

Paul Kirby • Nov 16 2015 • Articles

A systematic transformation of scholarly publishing is some way off. Initiatives show that there is space to do better, and a promising journal system to be built.

Larval Terror and the Digital Darkside

Nandita Biswas Mellamphy • Nov 14 2015 • Articles

When war becomes larval, it becomes pervasive and perpetual; the need for fear, for threats, for insecurity also become circulated within the spheres of everyday life.

Chronic Refugee Populations and UNHCR’s Funding Model: A Source of Insecurity

Emma Best • Nov 14 2015 • Essays

The donor-funded model of UNHCR fails to account for long-standing exiled populations, which eventually leads to security implications in vulnerable areas.

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