Archive for 2015

Review – Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt

Elizabeth Austin • Nov 12 2015 • Features

Although this title makes some valid points to support its hypothesis regarding corporate capitalism, ultimately a clear and substantial vision of revolution is lacking.

Interview – Michael Hardt

E-International Relations • Nov 11 2015 • Features

Michael Hardt discusses the changing forms of global structures since writing Empire with Negri and the interactions between social movements, politics and academics.

The Growing “Discomfort” with Comfort Women between South Korea and Japan

Minseon Ku • Nov 11 2015 •

The comfort women issue has been a boiling point between South Korea and Japan, one that won’t likely simmer anytime soon.

The Francis Paradox: Papal Diplomacy in a Multipolar World

John A. Rees • Nov 11 2015 • Articles

Vatican diplomacy of recent years reflects what could arguably be known as ‘the Francis paradox’

What’s Happening to the Number and Size of Nations?

Alberto Alesina and Enrico Spolaore • Nov 9 2015 • Articles

The demand for autonomy will remain high, as long as the world remains democratic. But such demand will be much less likely to bring about costly breakups and divisions.

The Importance of Land for Women Confronting Patriarchy and Climate Change

Leny Olivera • Nov 9 2015 • Articles

The community of María Auxiliadora is an example of women’s experiences and looks to create the conditions to confront violence against women and climate change.

Quick to the Rescue: Humanitarian Intervention in Libya

Clotilde Asangna • Nov 9 2015 • Essays

The decision-making process that guided resolution 1973 was based on national interests, realpolitik calculations, geo-strategic considerations, and domestic politics.

After Crisis: A Marxist Take on Capital and Labour after the Financial Crisis

Andrea Troan • Nov 9 2015 • Essays

As the cases of Sweden and the UK show, regardless of the uneven structures and development of capitalism, there has been an attack on labour by capital after the crisis.

Climate Change and the Re-imagination of State Sovereignty

Benjamin Habib • Nov 8 2015 • Articles

The state is an arbitrary reference point in a dynamic Earth system. The Earth can no longer be ignored as a given in at the ontological level of international relations.

More Russian than Orthodox Christianity: Russian Paganism as Nationalist Politics

Kaarina Aitamurto • Nov 8 2015 • Articles

Rodnoveries illustrate the versatility of nationalism. For the Pagan nationalist, the strong alliance between the state and the Church seem exclusive and discriminatory.

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