Archive for 2015

Review – Race and Racism in International Relations

Roger Epp • Nov 8 2015 • Features

This book ably serves as a point of entry into the demanding yet necessary subject of race and racism which is so often neglected within International Relations research.

What’s Wrong with the Refugee Convention?

Phil Cole • Nov 6 2015 • Articles

The UN Refugee Convention and the rights and obligations which flow from it are inadequate and need to be fundamentally revised.

Is there such a thing as the “Obama Doctrine”?

Veronika Hoelker • Nov 4 2015 • Essays

Obama’s foreign policy has not yielded a presidential doctrine, as the core tenants of his foreign policy are at odds with key components underlying doctrinal policy

Review – The EU’s Foreign Policy: What Kind of Power and Diplomatic Action?

Guri Rosen • Nov 3 2015 • Features

This thought-provoking volume on the EU’s role as an international actor contains numerous strong chapters, but sadly their coherence together as a whole is lacking.

The Geopolitics of Religious Performance in Twenty-First Century Taiwan

Fang-long Shih • Nov 3 2015 • Articles

Through a local symbol of resistance, Taiwanese people can feel capable of ‘resisting’ Chinese domination: a parallel with Nazha’s resistance to his father’s authority.

Postcard from Copenhagen: On Experts, Expert Opinion and Expertise

Peter Vale • Nov 3 2015 • Articles

Expert opinion has been drawn upon to shape public opinion on all manner of issues; yet there are some important questions to raise about what passes for expertise.

Assessing State and Religious Institutions: A Comment from the Case of Angola

Ruy Llera Blanes • Nov 2 2015 • Articles

Angola has become in recent years an interesting case study through which one might consider the complexities of the geopolitics of faith in the twenty-first century.

Diasporas and International Relations

Youly Diamanti-Karanou • Nov 1 2015 • Articles

Diasporas find themselves in between two countries, having an emotional investment in two nations, and preserving social connections in two societies.

Religious Politics and the Rise of Illiberal Religion

Scott Hibbard • Nov 1 2015 • Articles

While there are a variety of explanations for the resurgence of religious politics, an understanding of precisely how religion relates to modern politics is missing.

The Politicisation of Orientalism: The Mutation of a Paradigm

Jiayuan Wang • Nov 1 2015 • Essays

The politicisation of Orientalism by the West had led to a mutation in the paradigm such that it has become not just a manifestation of imperialism but its instrument.

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