Archive for 2015

Are Women Agents? Reading ‘Gender’ in Africa’s Rights Frameworks

Toni Haastrup • Oct 26 2015 • Articles

Feminism is relevant, when engaged, to help see the erasure of other gender identities in the human rights supported pan-African discourse on gender equality/justice.

The “New Type of Major Power Relations”: A New Normal in Sino-US Ties

Anand V. • Oct 23 2015 • Articles

Political, economic and military conditions make a direct clash between the two powers possible, yet there are also constraints on all levels impeding on this.

Why Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Record Does Not Matter

Anna Viden • Oct 22 2015 • Articles

In the context of the strained security situation in the Middle East and Europe it seems unlikely that human rights considerations will gain the upper hand.

Australian National Security and Climate Change

Melanie Davey • Oct 22 2015 • Essays

Schwartz and Randall’s hypotheses based upon their influential climate change report have missed the mark in predicting the current geo-political climate in Australia

To Press, Or Not to Press the Button?

Timo Kivimäki • Oct 22 2015 • Articles

The foundation of British strategic security requires ideas and assumptions that we can no longer be sure of; in the long run, nuclear deterrence seems unconvincing.

An IR for the Global South or a Global IR?

Amitav Acharya • Oct 21 2015 • Articles

IR textbooks are stubbornly Westphalic, and with limited exceptions merely pay lip-service to non-Western histories, voices and perspectives.

The UN’s Shame: Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in UN Peacekeeping

Kathleen Jennings • Oct 21 2015 • Articles

The UN’s Zero-Tolerance Policy simply does not work and neither a particularly good job protecting the local population nor, for that matter, the UN’s reputation.

Drones and Radicalisation in Pakistan

Markus Markert • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

Relations between US drone strikes in Pakistan, the Pakistani state & ‘radicalisation’ is complex, bound up with secrecy, information problems & economic interests.

Problem or Solution? Russia’s Role in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Ana Daskalova • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

Unresolved for so many years, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has proved intractable. Ana Daskalova examines the role played by Russia as an external party to the conflict.

The Fundamental Dynamics of East Asia Security by PRC Maritime Expansion

HyunJung Kim • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

China is seeking to construct a Sino-centric order. However, Chinese foreign policy aims cause debate over whether or not its expansion is a threat to regional security.

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