Archive for 2015

What Is ‘Active Learning’ and Why Is It Important?

Jess Gifkins • Oct 8 2015 • Articles

Interacting with content through active learning has some compelling advantages over ‘delivery mode’ lectures. It helps to maintain student concentration & deepens learning.

On Images, Stories, and the Need to Hear More

Swati Parashar • Oct 8 2015 • Articles

The way out of this world of spectacles we have normalised is not to say more but to hear more, to grasp the hidden erasure of suffering in different contexts.

Hurting the Host: The Rationale of the Afghan Exodus

Siegfried O. Wolf • Oct 8 2015 • Articles

Against the backdrop of the situation of the refugees trying to enter Europe, it is crucial to find the necessary steps needed to stop the exodus of Afghan people.

Islam, National Identity and Choices of Faith in the Post-Communist Balkans

Arolda Elbasani • Oct 6 2015 • Articles

In the prevailing nationalist discourse any discoveries of faith raise the suspicion of a religious obscurantism, extra-territorial allegiances, or threats of terrorism.

Announcing the Winner of the 2015 E-IR Scholarship

E-International Relations • Oct 5 2015 • Features

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2015 E-IR Scholarship for Masters students is Vitor Ziegler Paiva from Coventry University.

Religion’s Changing Form and Relation to the State since 1989

Linda Woodhead • Oct 5 2015 • Articles

Perceptions of religion remain stuck in an old paradigm which does not represent the extent of the religious revolution that is taking place.

A Fight for Statehood? ISIS and Its Quest for Political Domination

Adele Belanger-McMurdo • Oct 5 2015 •

Although it exhibits certain state-like qualities, the Islamic State is rejected as an official, independent, and sovereign state under international law.

The Dilemma of Middle Eastern Democracy

Ahmed Elsayed • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

The seemingly infertile soil for democracy in the Middle East can be better understood by primarily examining the hindering role of the coercive apparatus in the region.

The Financial Crisis: Banking, Bankruptcy and the Origins of the Crash

Elizabeth Feeney • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

The behaviour of banks preceding the global financial crisis must be understood in relation to the complex interdependencies between agency, institution and structure.

How Has China Been Safeguarding Its Oil Imports from the Middle East and Africa?

Nikola Zadzorova • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

Although oil is significant for Chinese economic development, the country’s ‘peaceful rise’ advocated as Chinese strategy of development should be called into question.

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