Archive for 2015

Crouching Tiger, Blue Helmet: Chinese Combat Troops in UN Peace Operations

Adam Moscoe • Oct 3 2015 • Essays

Introduction of combat soldiers reaffirms China’s commitment to support the fulfillment of UN peacekeeping mandates—mandates that China endorsed in the Security Council.

Poll Results in Singapore: Old Continuities and New Challenges

Vignesh Ram • Oct 2 2015 • Articles

Singapore’s politics is in the process of evolution. Democratisation is a comprehensive exercise which helps to reaffirm the faith in the ruling polity and the people.

Does “Scandal” Challenge the Dominance of the ‘male-stream’ in World Politics?

Sophie Puet • Oct 2 2015 • Essays

Whilst on the surface Scandal appears to make bold feminist statements, in depth discourse analysis reveals that this is not the case.

Faustian Pacts and the War beneath My Feet

Peter Vale • Oct 1 2015 • Articles

As quickly as mining shafts were sealed in Johannesburg they have been re-opened and worked by a new generation of illegal miners run by gangs.

Review – The Improbable War

Milos Popovic • Sep 30 2015 • Features

While Coker fails to fully assess Chinese ‘soft power’ and potential involvement in proxy war, this persuasive book is likely to shape US opinion on policy towards China.

Interview – Sarah Chayes

E-International Relations • Sep 30 2015 • Features

Sarah Chayes discusses her research into state corruption, explains its links to issues of conflict and revolution, and reflects on the US invasion of Afghanistan.

Breaking the Silence

Megan Nobert • Sep 30 2015 • Articles

Humanitarian organisations must commit to countering the prevalent impunity of perpetrators of sexual abuse and harassment within humanitarian agencies.

United by Strength or Oppression? A Critique of the Western Model of Feminism

Ioana Cerasella Chis • Sep 29 2015 • Essays

The white, Western model of feminism complies and converges with the development-industrial complex such that the concerns of women in the Global South are distorted.

Moralities and Modes of Inquiry in International Relations

Sacha Blumen • Sep 27 2015 • Essays

The morality of states approach, which defends both universal and non-universal moral duties, implies people can hold cosmopolitan and communitarian notions concurrently.

How Important are Practices of Representation in Security Discourses?

Liam A Simmonds • Sep 27 2015 • Essays

The construction of specific, politicised forms of representations for actions, subjects, and states have a critical role in shaping security discourses.

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