Archive for 2015

Interview – Paul Higate

E-International Relations • Apr 22 2015 • Features

Dr. Higate reflects on military masculinities, developments in the private military security industry, and the role of UN peacekeepers in shaping perceptions of security.

Review – Culture Troubles: Politics and the Interpretation of Meaning

Dana Gold • Apr 22 2015 • Features

Irrespective of slight flaws, the authors provide a convincing analysis in favour of a cultural approach that provides a voice to those who are all too often overlooked.

Why the Democratization Process may Increase the Possibility of Conflict

Julian Untiet • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

Factors contributing to the triggering of conflict during the democratization process can be broadly classed with three categories: security, credibility, and legitimacy.

The Ebola Virus Disease: Problems, Consequences, Causes, and Recommendations

Aramide Odutayo • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

While it may seem that the Ebola crisis of 2014 has subsided, it is still ongoing in various African countries and has become unprecedented in a variety of ways.

Does International Order Ultimately Rely on States and Military Power?

Haoyu Zhai • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

Despite the growing significance of other actors and factors, the contemporary global international order still ultimately relies on states and military power.

Are There People Outside of Identity?

Stina Wassén • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

Despite being significantly constrained by preexisting social structures, refugees and asylum seekers actually can and do express agency and political identities.

Edited Collection – Popular Culture and World Politics

E-International Relations • Apr 22 2015 • Features

This edited collection offers a holistic approach to an exciting field of research and contributes to the establishment of Pop Culture and World Politics as a sub-discipline of International Relations.

Towards Justice? – Hybridity and Bureau-Shaping in Cambodia

Arthur Sim • Apr 20 2015 • Essays

The formation of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia was centrally influenced by Cambodian politicians in ways detrimental to the Chamber’s longevity.

The Developing World’s Need for a Postmodern Understanding of Feminism

Michael Wooldridge • Apr 20 2015 • Essays

Liberal feminism is necessary but insufficient for redressing structural gender inequalities in the developing world, as they require instead a postmodern understanding.

Putin’s Nationalism Problem

Paul Chaisty and Stephen Whitefield • Apr 20 2015 • Articles

The Ukraine crisis had contributed to the increase of support for Putin, but he will most likely fail to satisfy the aspirations of such a diverse group of supporters.

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