Archive for 2015

Should Irregular Fighters Be Excluded From Legal Protections Such As POW Status?

Dean Cooper-Cunningham • Dec 14 2015 • Essays

‘Irregular’ is a demonising exclusionary weapon of war applied only to those opposing US goals for the purposes of improving the legitimate guise of its actions.

The Impact of Industrial Revolutions: China’s Rise and the Decline of Japan

Strobe Driver • Dec 13 2015 • Articles

Japan stands at a crossroads. It will have to accept that unless it de-escalates tensions through critical dialogue it will be faced with a fractious China.

Violent Jihadist Magazines: Exploiting a Human Need for Significance

Xander Kirke • Dec 12 2015 • Articles

It is important to bring the human side of radicalisation to the fore and to tailor any attempts at counter-radicalisation to the specific needs, passions, interest, and desires, of individuals.

From Sovereignty to War: Foucault’s Analytic of Power

Verena Erlenbusch • Dec 12 2015 • Articles

Foucault’s work draws our attention to the fact that in an age characterized by mechanisms of exclusion of those who threaten the human race that war, not sovereignty, is political strategy.

Independently Wealthy: ISIL’s Sinews of War

Craig Giorgis and Daniel Myers • Dec 11 2015 • Articles

One of the primary indicators of a violent extremist organization’s potential longevity is its ability to self-finance. Today, ISIL is the richest such group in the world.

Islam and Human Rights in Pakistan

Ishtiaq Ahmed • Dec 11 2015 • Articles

Cultural factors ensure that Pakistan’s relationship to its citizens is mediated by Muslim nationalism, rather than internationally recognized human rights norms.

What’s God Got to Do with It? Violence, Hostility and Religion Today

Lee Marsden • Dec 11 2015 • Articles

In supplanting a secular discourse with a religious discourse, actors are engaged on the basis of their faith and as representatives of a perceived religious community.

Iran Is Part of the Problem, Part of the Solution

P.R. Kumaraswamy • Dec 10 2015 • Articles

Geostrategic reality, shrewd political moves and the short-sighted policies of its adversaries have enhanced the role of Iran in any future dispensation in Syria.

Review – MIKTA, Middle Powers, and New Dynamics of Global Governance

Hakan Mehmetcik • Dec 9 2015 • Features

By being one of the few scholarly texts to focus on the MIKTA, Jongryn’s edited volume is a substantial contribution to global governance literature.

Pax Americana: the United States as Global Hegemon or Imperialist in Disguise?

Nathan Down • Dec 9 2015 • Essays

A downward trend in prestige and economic power, along with geopolitical challenges, seems to be forcing the US to realign its foreign policy interests and direction.

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