Archive for 2015

Divide and Rule: A Machiavellian Account of Israel’s Targeted Killings

Alexander Vincent Beck • Apr 18 2015 • Essays

From a Realist perspective, Israel‘s application of targeted killings is consistent with its grand strategy and has undermined the Palestinian independence movement.

Who Has a Right to Representation?

Simon Thompson • Apr 18 2015 • Articles

Should the Maori be entitled to a reserved number of seats in the New Zealand parliament? Such an arrangement goes to the heart of the debate over representation.

Chasing Prestige in the Academy: How the System Undermines Itself

Robert L. Oprisko • Apr 18 2015 • Articles

Instead of education being a great social leveler, prestige seeking has reinforced the competitive advantage of the rich and powerful – undermining the viability of many universities.

Why Have Attempts at Pan-African Unity Been So Problematic?

Madeleine Gunn • Apr 18 2015 • Essays

The goals of Pan-Africanism are in direct opposition to the global socio-political system, where structural conditions of rule currently facilitate exploitation.

The United Nation Security Council’s Continued Use of Economic Sanctions

Dana Shamlawi • Apr 17 2015 • Essays

Despite controversy, the use of economic sanctions continues to be a popular option for the UN Security Council due to the introduction of targeted sanctions in the 90’s.

Drones, Gender and Classical Realists

John de Bhal • Apr 17 2015 • Essays

Drones offer little strategic value because they have the capacity to perpetuate the problem they are trying to solve, which is argued through two theoretical approaches.

A Conceptual Analysis of Realism in International Political Economy

Mazhid Kat • Apr 16 2015 • Essays

Realism is relevant in the study of IPE; however, it must be complemented with elements of other theoretical approaches to remedy several weaknesses.

Review – Faith-Based Organizations at the United Nations

Daniel Golebiewski • Apr 16 2015 • Features

Addressing a marked gap in IR literature, Haynes provides a timely account of how religious organizations play an increasingly important role in international affairs.

‘Hybrid War’ and ‘Little Green Men’: How It Works, and How It Doesn’t

Mark Galeotti • Apr 16 2015 • Articles

While Russia won the military war to create Novorossiya and intelligence war to support combat operations, it has not achieved its aims and is losing the political war.

Was the British Government’s Handling of the 1984/5 Miners’ Strike “Brilliant”?

Fflur Elin • Apr 15 2015 • Essays

The British government’s handling of the 1984/5 miners’ strike was ‘brilliant’ as they achieved victory but also achieved a political goal by weakening the trade unions

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