Archive for 2015

Edited Collection – Caliphates and Islamic Global Politics

E-International Relations • Apr 5 2015 • Features

This collection addresses common questions about Political Islam, Islamic State/ISIS, and challenges common understandings on the issue of Islam and democracy.

Cuba: The Embargo Continues

Joy Gordon • Apr 3 2015 • Articles

It would be good if the embargo on Cuba were lifted but the establishment of diplomatic relations do no such thing. Rumors of the its demise are greatly exaggerated.

A Critical Review of Lisa McGirr’s The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti

Sass Rogando Sasot • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

McGirr has not fully overcome the romance of domination and resistance, but by taking a transnational approach demonstrates the global significance of Sacco and Vanzetti.

Interpreting the Rise of China: Realist and Liberalist Perspectives

Nabil Hudda • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

Neither Realism nor Liberalism provide a comprehensive explanation of the rise of China; only a synthesis of the two paradigms can be sufficient.

Ethiopia: Land for Sale?

Devon Matthews • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

The foreign investor gains land ownership to produce and export food and biofuels while Ethiopia gains foreign capital necessary to boost its fragile economy.

The Islamic State: More than a Terrorist Group?

Felipe Umaña • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

The Islamic State (IS) is a hybrid organization which has characteristics of various non-state actors and has signs of a nascent de facto state.

The Situatedness of Social Practices and the Writing of Violence in IR

João Terrenas • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

Asking what is the nature of the IR field amounts to questioning what IR is for and leads subsequently to exploring what is at stake in the social practices.

The Politics of LGBT Muslim Identities

Momin Rahman • Apr 2 2015 • Articles

Queer Muslim citizenship, politics and identity are not only important but also illustrate the contemporary socio-political intersectional nature of LGBT politics.

To Be, or Not to Be [Reincarnated] – That Is The [Political] Question

John A. Rees • Apr 1 2015 • Articles

Most often, what we think we know about the predictabilities of religious behavior is confounded by political events and the role that religious actors play within them.

Religion in IR: That Cousin We Never Knew

John A. Rees • Apr 1 2015 • Articles

Welcome to The Religion Gap, an international relations blog exploring the impact of religious actors and interests on the dynamics of world politics.

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