Archive for 2015

“Balkanizing” the War on Terror

Sidita Kushi • Mar 4 2015 • Articles

While the EU and the US must reassess risks and potential investments in the Western Balkans they must also learn to separate the politics from the true security threats.

Stability, Cooperation and Integration: The Future of Serb-Albanian Relations

Gëzim Krasniqi • Mar 2 2015 • Articles

The relations between Albania and Serbia depends on a precondition: mutual recognition as equals which means relinquishing the idea of hegemony in favour of cooperation.

Review – China’s Foreign Political and Economic Relations

Angela Stanzel • Mar 1 2015 • Features

Heilmann & Schmidt provide an objective and insightful account of China’s policy-making. Their book is therefore recommended for anyone interested in contemporary China.

Conditional Development: Ghana Crippled by Structural Adjustment Programmes

Aramide Odutayo • Mar 1 2015 • Essays

IMF- and World Bank-led debt relief was implemented to benefit the world capitalist system despite violating human rights throughout the Global South.

In Good Faith? Reconsidering the Impact of Religion on Negotiated Settlements

Jason Klocek • Feb 27 2015 • Articles

Responses provoked by the religious identity of insurgents may be as crucial to explaining the dearth of negotiated settlements as how religion shapes rebel behavior.

What You Say is What You Get: The Gender Problem in IR

Elizabeth Mendenhall • Feb 26 2015 • Articles

Replacing “man-made” with “anthropogenic” will not solve the gender problem in IR, but it will increase the visibility of our quotidian contributions to patriarchy.

Containing China? The United States in the South Pacific Since 2011

Matt Stansfield • Feb 25 2015 • Essays

The rebalancing by the United States towards the South Pacific is less about containment and is more about competitive engagement in the region.

Peace and Reconciliation in the Balkans: Croatia vs. Serbia

Nikolina Židek • Feb 25 2015 • Articles

Reconciliation is a slow process but when there is political will, changes can occur and victims can eventually get redress through justice, truth and memory.

Review – The Two-State Solution

Alaa Tartir • Feb 25 2015 • Features

This edited volume is an analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but could have done better drawing out the relevance of history to today’s facts and future visions

Queering Paradigms: From Individual Resistance to Global-Local Impact

Bee Scherer • Feb 23 2015 • Articles

Performative scholarship as activism promises further advances in Social Justice. Ethically, there is no ‘mere criticality’; there is always also societal responsibility.

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