Archive for 2015

International Security in the Anthropocene

Simon Dalby • Feb 23 2015 • Articles

Climate change is a production issue, not a matter of environmental protection. Recognizing that the world is changing rapidly is the key to successful social adaptation.

Evaluating Ecuador’s Decision to Abandon the Yasuni-Itt Initiative

Ariana Keyman • Feb 22 2015 • Essays

The lack of democracy associated with the decision-making process to drill Block ITT has fuelled a high degree of currently ongoing civil discontent in Ecuador.

Review – Cities at the End of the World

Victor Coutinho Lage • Feb 21 2015 • Features

Even if political categories are sometimes taken for granted, Lorenzo’s text shows how rich an engagement with literature can be to a critical reflection on politics.

Learning How Not to Scare People: The Paradox of Counterinsurgency

Lillian Figg-Franzoi • Feb 20 2015 • Articles

Scaling down the revered cult of counterinsurgency in future interventions, may be the only way to provide missions with a sense of real international purpose.

Emotions in IR: The ‘Dog That Did Not Bark’

K.M. Fierke • Feb 20 2015 • Articles

This brief exploration highlights the extent to which emotions have a social, cultural and political dimension that is pervasive at the international level.

Simulating Europe: Lesson-drawing from EU Decision-making Games

Günter Walzenbach • Feb 19 2015 • Articles

Simulations offer a glimpse into the complex world of decision-making within organisations that cannot be gained so easily from traditional teaching methods.

Central European Countries and EU Accession: A Blessing or a Curse?

Lisdey Espinoza Pedraza • Feb 17 2015 • Essays

Eastern enlargement was a unique achievement for prosperity and modernisation in Central and Eastern European States and bolstered the EU’s greatest strength: diversity.

United Nations Personnel in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Adam Moscoe • Feb 16 2015 • Essays

New guidelines for determining the applicability of international humanitarian law to United Nations peace operations are both necessary and urgent.

Global Warming: Is Paris the Last-chance Saloon?

Phil Cole • Feb 16 2015 • Articles

Global warming’s last-chance saloon will soon be upon us. Yet, far from acting together, we have various gangs ready to shoot each other in the back while the piano-player plays on.

The Roma/Gypsies: “Outcasts” of Europe

Gabriela Marin Thornton • Feb 16 2015 • Articles

The Roma story has not been the story of the powerful. It is a story of the ones that have done whatever they could in order to survive in a very adverse environment.

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