Archive for 2015

Review – The Secretary: A Journey with Hillary Clinton

Elizabeth Austin • Feb 16 2015 • Features

Ghattas’ book is an intriguing narrative placing Clinton’s activities between 2008 to 2012 into a wider analysis of US power, but leaves some key issues unresolved.

Rhetoric of Responsibility: R2P’s Harmful Application in Humanitarian Practice

Rachel Hao • Feb 15 2015 • Essays

From a well-meaning attempt at humanitarian action following the crises of the 1990s, the Responsibility to Protect has nevertheless become a vehicle for self-interest.

‘How to Train Your Dragon 2’ and IR Theory

Robert A. Saunders • Feb 15 2015 • Articles

Hollywood has a long history of trading in subtle political messaging and reinforcing the notion of US military might as a force for good, even when things get ugly.

NORAD’s Evolving Role in North American Homeland Defense

Sara K. McGuire • Feb 13 2015 • Articles

By co-opting Santa and Superman, NORAD demonstrates to the public that American military supremacy cannot be matched, and even extends to superheroes and Santa Claus.

Logged In: Transforming the Political Process in Russia

Ivan Bakalov • Feb 13 2015 • Essays

The Internet has had a positive impact on the provision of the normative good of democratic self-determination and participation in the Russian Federation.

Embracing Kindness: Transforming Difficult Emotions in IR Classroom

Elina Penttinen • Feb 12 2015 • Articles

By practicing compassion and kindness to ourselves, we can meet the suffering of others. This can enable us to connect to the meaning of studying and researching IR.

The Main Factors Limiting the Ability of the U.S. to Control World Politics

Haoyu Zhai • Feb 12 2015 • Essays

Increasing economic interdependence between states and the emerging multipolar world order limit the United States in world politics.

Foreign Policy, the State, International Public Opinion and the Media

James Flint • Feb 12 2015 • Essays

The news media has significant power as an intermediary between a state’s foreign policy apparatus and a state’s polis.

Review – Challenging Boundaries: Great Flows and Territorial Identities

Martina Petkova • Feb 12 2015 • Features

Shapiro & Alker’s edited book throws light on the nature of theoretical discourses and the missing links between classical, critical and postmodernist theoretical views.

A Ceremonial Ride into the Sunset for Mugabe?

Stephen Chan • Feb 12 2015 • Articles

Robert Mugabe, 91 in February 2015, assumed the chairmanship of the African Union; he may be more concerned about stage-managing his legacy than leading the continent.

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