Archive for 2015

Turkish Foreign Policy in Turbulent Times

Meltem Müftüler-Baç • Jan 25 2015 • Articles

Turkey’s democratic consolidation problems in the domestic arena have posed limitations on its ability to project power in the region, and widened the chasm with the European Union.

Political Leadership in Times of Agony for Palestinian Citizens

George Bisharat • Jan 25 2015 • Articles

Since 1948 Palestinians have never enjoyed a protected political arena in which to conduct an intimate, direct internal dialogue about their future together as a people.

‘R2P’ as an Emerging Norm

Josie Hornung • Jan 24 2015 • Essays

R2P’s power lies in its potential, as an emerging norm, to shift state attitudes to mass atrocity crimes to a legal commitment to protect at risk people around the world.

The Role of Transitional Justice Processes in Building Peace in Latin America

Kristiana Eleftheria Papi • Jan 23 2015 • Essays

To play an effective role in peace building, truth commissions must address underlying structural violence and contribute to the success of additional justice mechanisms.

Decolonising Structural Realist Understandings of Latin America

John de Bhal • Jan 21 2015 • Essays

Despite the fact that grand narratives inevitably advantage, disadvantage, include, and exclude, scholars should remember that the mind must still be decolonised.

Historical Animosity: One of Many Sources of Sino–Japanese Tensions Today

Rachel Hao • Jan 21 2015 • Essays

Historical animosity has been a major factor in Sino–Japanese tensions, but strategic regional objectives remain their primary motivator.

To What Extent Is Neopatrimonialism the Unchanging Way in Which ‘Africa Works’?

Elliot Kratt • Jan 21 2015 • Essays

While neopatrimonialism has been a constant in politics in African states in recent years, its form and content is constantly changing and evolving.

Justifying Surveillance

Kevin Macnish • Jan 20 2015 • Articles

Surveillance can be justified. The challenge lies in justifying certain acts of surveillance, and in determining why it is that such acts strike us as eminently sensible.

Review – The History Manifesto

Virginia Berridge • Jan 18 2015 • Features

Guldi and Armitage’s volume offers a stirring manifesto for the revival of history as the key problem-solving discipline in a digitised and globalised world.

Love in the Time of Ebola

Mukesh Kapila • Jan 18 2015 • Articles

A positive spirit is vital for Ebola recovery as the socio-economic consequences are immense. A commonly used word is “boredom” with schools shut and trade disrupted.

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