Archive for 2015

Starvation: A Political Phenomenon

Bede Thompson • Jan 17 2015 • Essays

While their natural aspects and influences should not be disregarded, famine and starvation must be viewed primarily as a breakdown in social and political systems.

Does Epistemology Matter? The Divide Between Critical and Problem-Solving Theory

João Terrenas • Jan 15 2015 • Essays

Critical theory establishes a close link between political theory and practice via its praxeological and empirical commitment to emancipatory change.

Is Austerity the Cure for Current Economic Problems?

Michael Burtt • Jan 15 2015 • Essays

While austerity may have had some success in reducing absolute debt levels in some states, it has been unsuccessful in reducing the magnitude of debt to GDP.

Should Fiat Money be Replaced with Virtual Currencies?

Amir Reza Malekzadeh • Jan 13 2015 • Essays

Any advantages that a virtual currency like Bitcoin has over fiat money may be short-lived, as states will subject it to regulations that will erode its competitive edge.

Did Structural Adjustment Programmes Assist African Development?

Fraser Logan • Jan 13 2015 • Essays

Structural Adjustment Policies were, rather than effective engines for economic development, in fact an smokescreen for the promotion and spread of global capitalism.

The Political Impact of Social Media on the Arab Gulf: Saudi Arabia and Bahrain

Oliver Davies • Jan 12 2015 • Essays

Digital platforms have enabled a thickening of Gulf civil society, with information flows and enhanced social interaction extending and empowering popular voice.

Reclaiming Sovereignty: Constituted and Constituent Power in Political Theory

Christian Pfenninger • Jan 12 2015 • Articles

Any serious attempt to reclaim the practice of sovereignty from the state must pay attention to the transformative potential of constituent power.

Oil Prices, OPEC, and Oil Crisis: Collateral Damage in a Greater Game

Ashay Abbhi • Jan 12 2015 • Articles

With oil prices tumbling downward some are rejoicing, but by refusing to cut production OPEC has jeopardised the economy of some of its member states.

Understanding Resilience through the Rudiments of Biopolitics

Tudor Vilcan • Jan 12 2015 • Articles

Opposite conceptualizations of resilience as proper to new emerging ontological relations; biopolitics reminds us that resilience is enmeshed with power and control.

Review – Bridging Troubled Waters

Ralf Emmers • Jan 12 2015 • Features

Manicom’s optimistic work determines that careful conflict management could serve to abate tensions in the East China Sea, avoiding a worsening in Sino-Japanese conflict.

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