Archive for 2015

Reflections on the American War, Karzai, and Orientalism in Afghanistan

Shah Mahmoud Hanifi • Jan 12 2015 • Articles

The lens of Orientalism allows us to see the weight of historical and cultural gravity in Afghanistan. However, it has reached its metaphorical zenith in the country.

Where Chlorine Is Your Best Friend

Mukesh Kapila • Jan 8 2015 • Articles

Ebola vaccine trials are expected to start in Guinea shortly. But there are other signs of hope: the many improvised disinfectant dispensers sprouting around homesteads.

Has the Wave of Revolutions Run its Course?

Opemipo Akisanya • Jan 7 2015 • Essays

Despite its usefulness, the Arendtian theory of revolution suffers through its exclusion of economic freedom, and over-focus on political freedom.

What is Islamic Democracy? The Three Cs of Islamic Governance

M. A. Muqtedar Khan • Jan 7 2015 • Articles

Democracy is inherent to Islamic values and Islamic historical experience. 
Muslims must revisit their sources and re-understand them without a bias against things.

Beyond Arms and Beards: Local Governance of ISIS in Syria

Rana Khalaf • Jan 7 2015 • Articles

Syria presents complex governance dynamics. Without investing in local dynamics alongside the international dynamics sustainability, anti-ISIS plans are doomed to fail.

The Forgotten: Pakistan’s Transgender Population, and the Islamic State

Erin Kilbride • Jan 7 2015 • Articles

ISIS’ in Pakistan poses a severe threat to LGBTQ Pakistanis. The debate over their presence, needs to be explained to include the safety and rights of LGBTQ populations.

Carr vs Morgenthau on Political Realism

Kieran Proctor • Jan 6 2015 • Essays

Although accused of relativism by Morgenthau, Carr is a more robust realist than is contended. Indeed, Carr’s methodology reveals Morgenthau’s own tautological reasoning.

The One Percent Problem

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Jan 5 2015 • Articles

One of the strangest criticisms of US security policy is that it burdens a too small percentage of the American people. In fact, the US has stopped paying for its wars.

The Constitution, De-Constitution, and Reconstitution of International Society

Colin Cordner • Jan 5 2015 • Articles

If the object of persuasion is not singular and universal, but rather a plurality of sovereigns, then effecting international change becomes a more complex and political.

Review – US Arms Policies Towards the Shah’s Iran

Taylor Fain • Jan 3 2015 • Features

McGlinchey’s book is a valuable and meticulous insight into a complex Cold War relationship that ultimately shows how Iran was able to manipulate its great power patron.

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