Archive for 2015

Human Rights and Terrorism: A Comparative Security Analysis

Alex Chung • Nov 25 2015 • Essays

Liberal values are under siege from terrorism, but questions exist concerning Eurocentric notions of terrorism and the source of supposedly illegitimate violence.

Strategic Uncertainty and the Regional Security Order in East Asia

Chinese and American intentions constitutes the two fundamental uncertainties that will shape regional security in East Asia.

Democratic Peace Theory, Power, and Economic Interdependence

Joseph Jegat • Nov 24 2015 • Essays

In order to be a successfully explanatory theory, Democratic Peace Theory needs a dose of economic interdependence.

The Challenges and Successes of EU Democracy Promotion Policies

Joshua Gray • Nov 24 2015 • Essays

The success of EU democracy promotion is contingent upon the degree of bargaining power the EU possesses vis-à-vis ‘third countries’.

Homeland’s Popular Geopolitics Gets Punked

Robert A. Saunders • Nov 24 2015 • Articles

The graffiti prank on the set of ‘Homeland’ is an act that represents a physical realization that the pop-culture canvas can be subverted even in the process.

Can Ukraine Learn Anything from Georgia?

Mathilde Senaud • Nov 23 2015 • Essays

As the USSR disintegrated, issues emerged over the autonomous republics of the region. The geopolitical shifts that followed allowed leaders to redesign their authority.

Roger Waters’ The Wall and the ‘ISIS Crisis’

Stephen McGlinchey • Nov 23 2015 • Articles

Seeing Waters’ depiction of how war has made him a broken man gave me hope that a more sensible debate is being had amongst citizens over the march to war with ISIS.

Review Article – The BRICs and International Relations

Ray Kiely • Nov 21 2015 • Features

These two academically rigorous books serve as valuable guides to the relations among BRICs and provide engaging analyses on their impact on international order.

India’s Complex Security Environment & the Need for International Partnerships

Satgin Hamrah • Nov 21 2015 • Articles

India needs to develop and implement effective strategies and tactics that address its diverse security environment in a multi-pronged and multi-layered manner.

Is the Refusal to end Poverty a form of Violence?

Matthew Frost • Nov 20 2015 • Essays

Despite the causes of poverty, the wealth exists to ensure that it need not. Negligence and adiaphorisation do not excuse the violence, they only clarify its existence.

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