
The Performativity of Sovereignty: Challenging Essentialism within IR Theory

Nico Edwards • Dec 19 2020 • Articles

Paradoxically, Waltz, Jackson and their predecessors have perpetuated the structuration of the international order as one of hierarchy rather than anarchy.

Opinion – Pakistan’s New Approach to Gilgit-Baltistan

Tridib Bhattacharya • Dec 19 2020 • Articles

There is far more at stake for Islamabad in upgrading the region to provisional provincial status than merely appeasing Beijing or angering New Delhi.

Cuban Cold War Internationalism and the Nonaligned Movement

Sarah Clifford and Scott N Romaniuk • Dec 19 2020 • Articles

Although Cuba provided aid to over 20 countries in Africa, their 16 year mission in Angola stood out as proof that in spite of the US, they could still exert their own influence around the world.

Incorporating Race into Introductory International Relations Courses

Audie Klotz • Dec 17 2020 • Articles

To engage credibly and constructively, academics need to un-learn professing, in order to reconfigure our courses and classrooms.

The Pandemic in Brazil: Normality as Necropolitics

COVID has caused social chaos in Brazil, and a discourse of return to normality and valorization of the economy to the detriment of public health is being headed by the country’s highest authority.

Radical Democracy and Self-Governance in Kurdistan

Hanifi Baris • Dec 15 2020 • Articles

The Kurdish model promises a secular, democratic, pluralistic, egalitarian and environmentalist model of self-rule for all, providing an opportunity for peace and harmony in Kurdistan.

Rolling Back the Imperial Presidency? Joe Biden and the Future of U.S. War Powers

Lukas D. Herr • Dec 15 2020 • Articles

Congress must be recognized as a co-equal branch of government and they must use their constitutional powers to establish binding limits on presidential power.

US Sanctions against Iran and Their Implications for the Indo-Pacific

Gabriel Honrada and Daniyal Ranjbar • Dec 15 2020 • Articles

Sanctions against Iran pose a dilemma for India and a significant challenge for Iran’s foreign policy, especially in the latter’s strategic partnership with India.

Opinion – COVID-19’s War on Feminism in the U.S.

Tanishka Talagadadeevi • Dec 14 2020 • Articles

The pandemic has shone a light on the reality that institutionalized sexism is still prevalent in the United States and around the world.

Opinion – The UK’s Complicated and Contradictory COVID-19 Moment

Alexander Brotman • Dec 13 2020 • Articles

The economic recovery and global governance framework that emerges from COVID-19 will test Britain’s clout and global outlook beyond Brexit.

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