
The Case of the Western Sahara and its Struggle for Independence

Anna Murphy • Oct 18 2015 • Essays

The last colony in Africa, Western Sahara has been locked in a protracted struggle for independence for over forty years.

How Has China Been Safeguarding Its Oil Imports from the Middle East and Africa?

Nikola Zadzorova • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

Although oil is significant for Chinese economic development, the country’s ‘peaceful rise’ advocated as Chinese strategy of development should be called into question.

China’s Telecommunications Boom in Africa: Causes and Consequences

Alfred Wong • Sep 21 2015 • Essays

Africa is experiencing a mobile revolution. Chinese telecommunication companies are playing a significant role in this.

Military Intervention in Libya: The Renewal of the Tuareg’s Self-Determination

The case of the Tuareg is emblematic to understand the possible detrimental consequences of foreign military intervention.

Kenya’s Paradoxical ‘Resource Curse’

Lewis Stott • Sep 7 2015 • Essays

Kenya must improve transparency, address corruption, and strengthen its institutional infrastructure if it is to avoid joining the long list of states ‘cursed’ by oil.

The Economics of the Arab Uprisings

Stephen Reimer • Sep 4 2015 • Essays

Concepts like “flauntiness,” though complex and somewhat amorphous, should be engaged with to give models of economic development a new dynamic of pragmatism.

Do Regional Organisations Provide an Alternative to UN Peace Operations?

Andreas Fabian • Aug 16 2015 • Essays

ROs do not provide a credible alternative to the UN because the advantages are far outstripped by serious financial, logistical, and political obstacles they face.

The Impact of the Geopolitics of Energy: China and Angola

Liam Fitzgerald • Aug 3 2015 • Essays

China and Angola illustrate that the geopolitics of energy adversely affect the prospects for development and democracy in energy-exporting states.

Evaluation of Chabal and Daloz’s Africa Works, with Reference to Burkina Faso

Flora Barrett • Jul 12 2015 • Essays

Chabal and Daloz argue that neopatrimonialism is central to African politics, the political culture of Africa being inherently different to that of the Western states.

Do Colonial Attitudes Influence the Media’s Response to Humanitarian Crises?

Callum Martin • Jul 8 2015 • Essays

The media’s overwhelming focus on negative events in the South maintains the colonial binaries of our civilisation and their backwardness.

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