
Are Natural Resources More of a Curse than a Blessing?

Lewis Stott • Jul 3 2015 • Essays

There is no escaping the correlation between resource abundance and poor economic performance. The resource curse is political and brought on by poor policy decisions.

Was British Decolonization after 1945 a Voluntary Process?

Jonjo Robb • Jun 22 2015 • Essays

Britain often had little choice but to concede that the constitutional independence of its dependencies was inescapable.

Why Are Elections Flashpoints for Violence & Insecurity and Can This Be Avoided?

Mia Lombardi • Jun 5 2015 • Essays

It is crucial to sustainable peace that elections are not seen as opportunities to engage in hostile takeovers, but instead allow for peaceful power transitions.

A Poststructuralist Perspective on R2P as a Response to Kofi Annan’s Question

Sofia Bianchini • May 29 2015 • Essays

Addressing Kofi Annan’s question in traditional Liberal terms is but one way, of many, to phrase the Responsibility to Protect debate.

UNSC Resolution 1325: A Building Block for Gender Equity?

Andreas Fabian • May 29 2015 • Essays

UN Resolution 1325, although not yet a complete success, can and should be used as a starting point to work for gender equity and towards a violence-free world.

Global Governance of Maritime Piracy: Closing the Legal Gaps

Charlotte Carnehl • May 13 2015 • Essays

The International Contact Group on Piracy Off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) is considered a successful example of global governance of maritime policy.

The European Union’s Neighbourhood Policy in Morocco and Azerbaijan

anon • May 4 2015 • Essays

The democratisation strategy of the EU in Morocco and Azerbaijan favours the stability of existing power structures and has therefore been largely ineffective.

The Ebola Virus Disease: Problems, Consequences, Causes, and Recommendations

Aramide Odutayo • Apr 22 2015 • Essays

While it may seem that the Ebola crisis of 2014 has subsided, it is still ongoing in various African countries and has become unprecedented in a variety of ways.

The Developing World’s Need for a Postmodern Understanding of Feminism

Michael Wooldridge • Apr 20 2015 • Essays

Liberal feminism is necessary but insufficient for redressing structural gender inequalities in the developing world, as they require instead a postmodern understanding.

Why Have Attempts at Pan-African Unity Been So Problematic?

Madeleine Gunn • Apr 18 2015 • Essays

The goals of Pan-Africanism are in direct opposition to the global socio-political system, where structural conditions of rule currently facilitate exploitation.

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