
Ethiopia: Land for Sale?

Devon Matthews • Apr 3 2015 • Essays

The foreign investor gains land ownership to produce and export food and biofuels while Ethiopia gains foreign capital necessary to boost its fragile economy.

What Is ‘Neoliberalism’, and How Does It Relate to Globalization?

Vilde Skorpen Wikan • Mar 21 2015 • Essays

Globalization and neoliberal economic policy must be considered separately, for there is neither evidence of their correlation nor of a global transition to the latter.

Conditional Development: Ghana Crippled by Structural Adjustment Programmes

Aramide Odutayo • Mar 1 2015 • Essays

IMF- and World Bank-led debt relief was implemented to benefit the world capitalist system despite violating human rights throughout the Global South.

United Nations Personnel in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Adam Moscoe • Feb 16 2015 • Essays

New guidelines for determining the applicability of international humanitarian law to United Nations peace operations are both necessary and urgent.

Rhetoric of Responsibility: R2P’s Harmful Application in Humanitarian Practice

Rachel Hao • Feb 15 2015 • Essays

From a well-meaning attempt at humanitarian action following the crises of the 1990s, the Responsibility to Protect has nevertheless become a vehicle for self-interest.

To What Extent Is Neopatrimonialism the Unchanging Way in Which ‘Africa Works’?

Elliot Kratt • Jan 21 2015 • Essays

While neopatrimonialism has been a constant in politics in African states in recent years, its form and content is constantly changing and evolving.

Starvation: A Political Phenomenon

Bede Thompson • Jan 17 2015 • Essays

While their natural aspects and influences should not be disregarded, famine and starvation must be viewed primarily as a breakdown in social and political systems.

Did Structural Adjustment Programmes Assist African Development?

Fraser Logan • Jan 13 2015 • Essays

Structural Adjustment Policies were, rather than effective engines for economic development, in fact an smokescreen for the promotion and spread of global capitalism.

To What Extent is Reconciliation an Appropriate Term in Post-Conflict Societies?

Matthew Richmond • Dec 29 2014 • Essays

Due to unrealistic expectations associated with ‘thick’ reconciliation, ‘thin’ reconciliation offers practical realities and moral intent in post-conflict scenarios.

Short-Term Volunteering and Local Development Projects in Developing Countries

Charlotte Lecomte • Nov 22 2014 • Essays

While an important source of aid in achieving local development, short-term volunteering is more suited to the volunteer than to the host community.

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