
Analysing the Lord’s Resistance Army Through Liberalism & Social Constructivism

Daphny Roggeveen • Jun 16 2014 • Essays

Using the case study of the Lord’s Resistance Army in northern Uganda, liberalism’s approach to peacebuilding is inadequate compared to social constructivism’s.

To What Extent are Gangs Sources of Security or Insecurity in the Global South?

Kit Nicholl • Jun 13 2014 • Essays

In certain communities, gangs may appear to be providers of security, while in others, their violent measures to achieve their goals generate fear for millions.

The 1948 Genocide Convention as an ‘Increasingly Meaningless Document’?

Fleur Verbiest • Jun 5 2014 • Essays

The legal success of the Genocide Convention continues to re-establish the norm politically, albeit under misinterpretation and without effect of prevention.

The Impact of ‘Globalisation’ on the Arab Revolts

Nick Newsom • Jun 5 2014 • Essays

Globalisation not only exacerbated the structural conditions that elicited the Arab revolt, but allowed for local and global actors to shape the form of this resistance.

France’s Olive Branch Strategy and the 2011 Ivoirian Crisis

Susan Poni Lado • Jun 3 2014 • Essays

As Africa diversifies its external relations, France has acted under the abode of multilateral institutions in order to advance her geostrategic imperatives.

The Weakening of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Phil Henderson • May 26 2014 • Essays

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is at best a compromise for indigenous peoples, at worst an attempt by states to maintain structures of injustice.

Uneven and Combined Development & World Systems Analysis: A Combined Approach

Ueli Staeger • May 26 2014 • Essays

‘World-systems Analysis’ & ‘Uneven and Combined Development’ – when combined & further theorised – provide an illuminating approach to the global system’s functioning.

The African Union: Organization of African Unity 2.0 or Regional Renaissance?

Thaddeus C.B. Jahn • May 23 2014 • Essays

While the AU has done much to remedy the weaknesses of the OAU, there remains a long path to successful integration, peace and security, and tangible economic benefits.

The Effectiveness of Soft & Hard Power in Contemporary International Relations

Jan-Philipp N E Wagner • May 14 2014 • Essays

‘Hard’ & ‘soft’ power are competing approaches to power in IR. Soft power is increasingly effective & hard power less so; ‘smart power’ offers a promising third strategy.

Negotiating the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Lessons Learnt

Lisa Farrah Ho • May 7 2014 • Essays

The Convention on Cluster Munitions is a model for future disarmament negotiations due to its patience and focus on humanitarianism and broad engagement.

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