
What is the Principal Object of the International Legal System?

Matthew Richmond • Apr 30 2014 • Essays

Individuals & organizations are increasingly gaining traction in a state-dominant international legal order, a piecemeal process that may result in a global constitution.

Western Human Rights in a Diverse World: Cultural Suppression or Relativism?

anon • Apr 25 2014 • Essays

Cultural relativism should not be an excuse to avoid the difficulties of enforcing an individualistic human rights system in communities believing in collective rights.

Ethnic Reintegration in Post-Conflict Development Strategies

Daria Jarczewska • Apr 16 2014 • Essays

Encouraging apolitical activities focused around the common concerns of communities holds great potential to foster reconciliation in post-atrocity contexts.

A Human Security Approach to Addressing Piracy Off the Coast of Africa

Allan McRae • Mar 25 2014 • Essays

A naval approach to Somali piracy is & will continue to be ineffective – it doesn’t address its root causes. Piracy will continue without a human security approach.

Democratisation and Post-conflict State-building in Sierra Leone and Rwanda

Daria Jarczewska • Mar 23 2014 • Essays

Pursuing democratic principles, if they are driven by commitment to mediating values, has great potential to contribute to the success of post-conflict transitions.

Is Sex Work an Expression of Women’s Choice and Agency?

Sophia Gore • Mar 14 2014 • Essays

Sex work is not legitimate work or an expression of agency. It is a social issue which can be tackled through delegitimising consumers rather than alienating prostitutes.

Assessing How Far Democracy in South Africa is Liberal or Illiberal

Bryant Edward Harden • Mar 6 2014 • Essays

Despite facing problems with development and achieving the high standards prescribed its constitution, South Africa still has the attributes of a liberal democracy.

A Critical Evaluation of the Intelligence Oversight Regime in Botswana

Lesego Tsholofelo • Mar 3 2014 • Essays

The Botswana intelligence oversight regime falls short of addressing the conflicting needs of secrecy and democratic imperatives of transparency and accountability.

The Securitization of Mali

Patrick Pitts • Feb 19 2014 • Essays

The French intervention in Mali is a testament to securitization theory’s prowess in challenging, and more significantly, critiquing modern conceptualizations of security.

The Arts as Healing Power in Transitional Justice

Daniel Golebiewski • Feb 19 2014 • Essays

The arts may hold healing power in transitioning societies, as they provide a means for survivors of atrocities to deal with the past and tell their stories in a creative way.

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