
“The Crime He Committed Was to Steal a Cow”: Moral Luck and Gacaca

Maxfield Hancock • Jul 6 2020 • Essays

By rewarding confession and promoting reintegration, the Rwandan justice program Gacaca was marked by a permissive attitude toward individual moral responsibility.

TRIPS-Plus Provisions and the Access to HIV Treatments in Developing Countries

Alessandro Pigoni • Apr 19 2020 • Essays

The inclusion of TRIPS-Plus provisions in recent trade agreements limits the ability of developing countries to obtain medicines needed to face the HIV epidemic.

Critical Reflections on Ethnicity and Colourism in Africa and the Diaspora

Katya Kerrison • Apr 11 2020 • Essays

Colourism in African communities has evolved from colonialism, slavery and racial hierarchies and affects both those with dark and light skin in negative ways.

Morality, Media and Memes: Kony 2012 and Humanitarian Virality

Nathan Olsen • Mar 26 2020 • Essays

The Kony 2012 campaign simplified the crisis in Uganda to achieve viral status, which highlights the problems that come when humanitarian NGOs achieve virality.

The Impact of Globalisation on Poverty and Inequality in the Global South

Julia Heinze • Mar 22 2020 • Essays

While some countries benefit from globalisation, the argument that globalisation has left the Global South worse off appears to be accurate.

What’s Stopping Us? The Failures Behind Famine Prevention in the 21st Century

Ryan J. Bain • Mar 3 2020 • Essays

Famine classification should be based upon a combination of both quantitative and qualitative factors to improve international and local responses to the issue.

Human Vulnerability to Climate Change

Michela Borzoni • Feb 18 2020 •

Minimizing human vulnerability to climate change is largely determined by the extent to which societies develop and organize themselves to be resilient to these changes.

To What Extent Has China’s Security Policy Evolved in Sub-saharan Africa?

Tania González Veiga • Dec 26 2019 • Essays

China’s security policy toward Sub-Saharan Africa has grown more interventionist as its economic ties deepen and its desire to protect Chinese citizens abroad increases.

Analysis of the Reluctance of Male Congolese Victims of WSV to Seek Help

Nina Marie Roesler • Oct 21 2019 • Essays

The underrepresentation of male-directed wartime sexual violence and fixed notions of gender and heteronormativity contribute to the reluctance of victims to seek help.

Shaping the Transnational Capitalist Class: TNCs and the Global Economy

Chiara Reverdito • Oct 6 2019 • Essays

The trans-nationalisation of production has benefited and structurally shaped society through the creation of a Transnational Corporate Class in host countries.

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