
Preemptive Self-Defense, Customary International Law, and the Congolese Wars

Patrick Kelly • Sep 3 2016 • Essays

Preemptive self-defence was cited by Rwanda and Uganda during the two Congolese Wars, presenting some significant questions for international law.

Reconciliation in Transitional and Post-conflict Societies: Healing or Impunity?

Yvonne Manzi • Sep 2 2016 • Essays

Reconciliation is more meaningful when viewed as a transformative process which favours a restorative notion of justice, rather than as merely another word for impunity.

Has the 2014-2015 Ebola Epidemic in West Africa Been Securitized?

Simon Allcock • Aug 30 2016 • Essays

The sociological approach to securitization is useful for understanding the Liberian and Sierra Leonean governments’ attempts to securitize the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak.

Truth Commissions and the Mental Health of Victims

Jorge Gutierrez Lucena • Aug 28 2016 • Essays

Testifying before truth-telling mechanisms, such as truth commissions and gacaca, can cause psychological harm to the participants.

Assessing the Utility of Rational Choice Theory in Least Developed Countries

George Sariak • Jul 8 2016 • Essays

RCT can inform the understanding behind the decision making process of collective action pertaining to developmental dilemmas specifically common pool resources (CPRs).

Does the Inclusion of Women in Peace Building Processes Make a Difference?

Katherine Remenyi • Jul 7 2016 • Essays

Rather than including more women in peace-building to make positive difference to the processes and outcomes, a gender sensitive approach should be considered.

Agricultural Overproduction and the Deteriorating Environment

Jacqueline Dufalla • Jul 7 2016 • Essays

Overproducing food, while allowing for food security, also disrupt world markets as well as causes immense environmental damage to soil and water supplies.

Humanitarian Governance and the Politics of Celebrity Engagement

Caitlin Biddolph • Jun 28 2016 • Essays

Claims to alleviate suffering by celebrity humanitarians reflect attempts by the neoliberal world order to control and ensure order in the ‘chaotic’ continent of Africa.

Reconciling Gender in Post-Conflict Societies: Sri Lanka and Sierra Leone

Padmapriya Govindarajan • Jun 1 2016 • Essays

The policy of forcing women to pick between the role of ‘victim’ or ‘soldier’ has denied justice, agency, and rehabilitation to women in post-conflict societies.

The Myth of Soft Power in Asia

Eunsun Chang and Nagyon Kim • May 24 2016 • Essays

Soft power, unless blended appropriately with hard power, cannot insert influence in international relations and serve as an effective diplomatic tool.

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