
Assessing the Relationship between Power and Morality in Nonviolent Action

Sarah Wallace • May 3 2016 • Essays

Nonviolent action can simultaneously be pragmatic in its power to achieve the desired goal and principled by being rooted initially in morality.

Examining the Dynamics of Decolonisation in Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth

Samuel Singler • May 3 2016 • Essays

Despite the centrality of violence to Fanon’s theses on decolonisation, he recognises the dangers, physical and psychological, of violence without a cause.

Cooperation or Competition? External Support and Interrebel Dynamics

Christopher Rickard • Mar 20 2016 • Essays

Non-state armed groups who receive fungible resources, such as funding or weapons, are more likely to experience interrebel fighting and less likely to be in an alliance.

Was the Brutality of War in Sierra Leone a Reflection of Primitive Barbarism?

Amy Jo Davies • Mar 7 2016 • Essays

War should be understood within the context where unjust power structures have created deep rooted social and political grievances which are driving the war.

What is the Future of African Regionalism?

Haoyu Zhai • Mar 5 2016 • Essays

Regionalism is an oft-discussed theme in relations between African states, but ideological differences and an inability to find agreement remain challenges.

Forgetting Politics: The Impossibility of Humanitarian Intervention

Lisa Whitten • Mar 3 2016 • Essays

‘Humanitarian military intervention’ is critiqued as a de-politicizing discourse, with four proposals for re-politicization suggested.

Globalization: A Created Mechanism for the Restructuring of Developing States

Nathan Down • Jan 31 2016 • Essays

Globalization tends to work to the detriment of developing states and has been a powerful tool employed by Northern states with a recent proliferation of modern players.

Navigating Nkrumah’s Theory of Neo-colonialism in the 21st Century

Udodilim Nnamdi • Jan 13 2016 • Essays

Through the lens of Kwame Nkrumah, current regional unification efforts by the African Development Bank and the African Union are shown to perpetuate neo-colonialism.

Intervention, Rectificatory Justice and Immigration: France and Ben Ali

Jakob Mckernan • Jan 8 2016 • Essays

Looking at the example of France and Tunisia, past interference in the political and social life of a country should be considered as a criteria of assessing immigration.

The BRICS: Rhetoric or Reality?

Laura Peitz • Dec 22 2015 • Essays

The BRICs have been portrayed as a new paradigm threatening the contemporary liberal world order. Yet, there is also disagreement and competition between BRICs states.

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