Middle East

The Politicisation of Orientalism: The Mutation of a Paradigm

Jiayuan Wang • Nov 1 2015 • Essays

The politicisation of Orientalism by the West had led to a mutation in the paradigm such that it has become not just a manifestation of imperialism but its instrument.

Pakistan in The New Great Game: On Gwadar Port

Markus Markert • Oct 26 2015 • Essays

The port of Gwadar (Baluchistan, Pakistan) is a site of potential major geopolitical importance. There, Pakistan, China, India & the US are vying for strategic influence.

Drones and Radicalisation in Pakistan

Markus Markert • Oct 19 2015 • Essays

Relations between US drone strikes in Pakistan, the Pakistani state & ‘radicalisation’ is complex, bound up with secrecy, information problems & economic interests.

Beyond Thompson and Malaya: The Search for a Usable Counterinsurgency Past

Titus van de Kerke • Oct 11 2015 • Essays

Though modern British COIN doctrine has shaken off some of British COIN’s persistent myths, a more thorough and far-sighted questioning of its base principles is needed.

A Fight for Statehood? ISIS and Its Quest for Political Domination

Adele Belanger-McMurdo • Oct 5 2015 •

Although it exhibits certain state-like qualities, the Islamic State is rejected as an official, independent, and sovereign state under international law.

The Dilemma of Middle Eastern Democracy

Ahmed Elsayed • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

The seemingly infertile soil for democracy in the Middle East can be better understood by primarily examining the hindering role of the coercive apparatus in the region.

How Has China Been Safeguarding Its Oil Imports from the Middle East and Africa?

Nikola Zadzorova • Oct 4 2015 • Essays

Although oil is significant for Chinese economic development, the country’s ‘peaceful rise’ advocated as Chinese strategy of development should be called into question.

The Impact of the “Unipolar Moment” on US Foreign Policies in the Mid-East

Yasemin Oezel • Sep 13 2015 • Essays

In analyzing US foreign policies in 2003 Iraq and comparing them to the civil war in Syria, America’s foreign policy has experienced a shift but it was never unipolar.

The Importance of Neoconservatism Since 9/11 Has Been Much Overstated

Lucie Parker • Sep 9 2015 • Essays

9/11 didn’t change the world’s threats; it changed the perceptions of these threats, sparking a re-evaluation of U.S. national security policy.

The Economics of the Arab Uprisings

Stephen Reimer • Sep 4 2015 • Essays

Concepts like “flauntiness,” though complex and somewhat amorphous, should be engaged with to give models of economic development a new dynamic of pragmatism.

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