Middle East

Indian Perspective on Iran-China 25-year Agreement

Siddhant Nair • Jul 19 2022 • Essays

Despite India’s concerns with Iran and China, the 25-year Iran-China agreement provides it with opportunities to evolve its approach to Iran and West Asia.

Improvise, Adapt, Overcome: A Leadership Trait Analysis of Bashar Al-Assad

Joshua Lehmann • Jul 12 2022 • Essays

An analysis of international interviews shows Bashar Al-Assad as a perseverant, adaptive and flexible leader, who takes into account perspectives of others.

The Islamic State’s Guidelines on Sexual Slavery: the Case of the Yazidis

Agnes Termeer • Apr 3 2022 • Essays

The way ISIS rationalised its sexual slavery points to a transcendent and distinctive pattern of violence insufficiently explained by any of the existing theories.

CPEC: An Assessment of Its Socio-economic Impact on Pakistan

Ashmita Rana • Mar 10 2022 • Essays

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been underwhelming, plagued by shortcomings in the project itself and from the nature of governance and politics in Pakistan.

What Does Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s Death Mean for the Future of ISIS?

Sybren Enserink • Feb 18 2022 • Essays

The death of the ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was an important symbolic loss, but will not determine the future and power of the group.

No Peace Without Justice: The Denial of Transitional Justice in Post-2001 Afghanistan

Ariane Luessen • Feb 7 2022 • Essays

The denial of transitional justice in post-9/11 Afghanistan ignored Afghan demands for meaningful truth, justice and reconciliation.

How Effective is Terrorism in Exerting Political Influence: The Case of Hamas?

Aidan Lecky • Jan 16 2022 • Essays

Terrorism as a tool to achieve political influence can be effective in short-term, but ineffective for long-term goals.

Prestige Aid: The Case of Turkey

Henok Gebremedhin Teka • Dec 21 2021 • Essays

The study of foreign aid is one of the most contested topics in IR. For Turkey, it is argued that prestige has been the centerpiece of its aid policy since the 1990s.

Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge: U.S. Arms Transfer Policy

Patrick Scott • Dec 13 2021 • Essays

The U.S. policy aimed at securing and maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge aims to promote Israeli security in a historically hostile region for Israel.

China’s Increasing Influence in the Middle East

Suhail Ahmad Khan • Sep 20 2021 • Essays

China has strengthened its foothold in the Middle East in the 21st century by improving economic and diplomatic relations with the region in pursuit of a number of policy objectives.

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