Middle East

A Brief History of the Feminist Movements in Turkey

Adam Leake • Aug 29 2012 • Essays

Several cleavages that exist within the feminist movements in Turkey have become apparent following the second wave of feminism which occurred following the 1980 military coup.

The Iranian Nuclear Program: Realist vs. Constructivist Models

Sean Paul Ashley • Aug 18 2012 • Essays

The isolation and resistance Iran has faced in pursuing its nuclear program serves as a handicap to achieving many long-term foreign policy objectives.

An Ethical Analysis of the Modern Sanctions Regime Against Iran

Scott Ridout • Aug 15 2012 • Essays

In order to avoid tensions boiling over and possibly leading to violent military action, the US, UN, and EU need to work with Iran so as to ensure a peaceful nuclear program.

Post 9/11 US Foreign Policy: Continuation of ‘New Imperialist’ Ambitions?

anon • Aug 14 2012 • Essays

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 acted as catalysts for the U.S. to increase its imperialist foreign policy, by which the pre-existing imperialist nature of U.S. foreign policy has become more apparent.

Why has the Washington Consensus not Expanded to Cover Middle East Countries

Juan Carlos Ladines Azalia • Aug 14 2012 • Essays

The importance of the Washington Consensus as a symbol of modernity addresses the question of how its discourse was rejected by other identities, especially in the Middle East.

Problems with Anglo-American Centered International Theory

anon • Aug 7 2012 • Essays

There is a need to expose the relationship between IR’s roots and whom it currently favours in its interpretation. Only then can we work towards a truly ‘international’ theory.

The Syrian Crystal Ball and the Unfolding of EU-Turkey Relations

Danielle le Poidevin • Aug 4 2012 • Essays

In spite of a lack of crisis management on the part of Turkish and EU officials, there remains practical potential for Turkish-EU cooperation in Syria.

Constructing Responsibility: Sovereignty and Intervention in the Wake of Libya

Paulo M. Rodriguez • Aug 1 2012 • Essays

If states act according to self-interest and material capacity, as the dominant paradigm suggests, why do values and common humanity even matter?

The Impact of ‘Identity Politics’ on Iranian-American Relations

Aryaman Bhatnagar • Jul 26 2012 •

1979 was a watershed for US-Iranian relations. Thereafter, a politics of identity has shaped relations, obstructing normalisation efforts.

Why Did ‘Intelligence’ Fail Britain and America in Iraq?

Nicholas Lawrence Adams • Jul 25 2012 • Essays

The intelligence gathered on Iraq featured a mixture of analytical failures, overstatement, misinterpretation and an overreliance on previous knowledge.

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