Middle East

Flight of the Drone: Geopolitical Analysis of Drone Warfare over the Gaza Strip

Connor Lattimer • May 31 2012 • Essays

This paper critically analyses how the Hermes 450 and UCAVs as objects project political power in territorial conflicts and disputes.

The Essentially Misunderstood Nature of Political Islam

Ioana Tartacuta • May 30 2012 • Essays

This essay rejects the notion that Islam is radical and suggests that portraying it as such is a direct consequence of America’s misconceptions about the scope and reach of Islamic values.

A Critical Analysis of Civil-Military Cooperation in Post-Taliban Afghanistan

Ramin Shirzay • May 4 2012 • Essays

Humanitarian NGO’s are suffering from a deficient civil-military cooperation approach caused by the enormous engagement of the military in relief operations.

‘Moralization’ of Technologies – Military Drones: A Case Study

Christopher Newman • May 2 2012 • Essays

It is of utmost importance that we design military robots with human priorities in mind and promote more ethical behavior on the remote battlefield.

State Competition and the Global Politics of Energy

Fehzan Rehman • May 1 2012 •

The case of the US shows that, although markets are important, state competition plays a vital and influential role in the global politics of energy.

Who Were the Major Victors and Losers in the Iraq War?

Charlotte Clapham • Apr 24 2012 • Essays

The Iraq War presented opportunities for several groups to thrive while others endured a terrible plight. A nuanced appreciation of these issues is necessary.

Is Liberal Interventionism Dead?

Shaun Sunil Sandu • Apr 21 2012 • Essays

Liberal interventionism is a dying trend due to two main factors. Firstly, due to the emerging norm of human rights over sovereignty, and secondly via the the realization of the extreme costs involved in intervention – both financial and geopolitical.

Sunni-Shia Tensions in the Iran-Iraq War

Sam Langtree • Apr 21 2012 • Essays

Sunni- Shi’ite tensions came to a head following the revolution in Iran that sought to spread its message, threatening the domestic security of the Sunni Baath party.

Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions

David Rorrison • Apr 19 2012 • Essays

Iran has no intentions of stopping its nuclear program in the short term. To deal with this problem, the international community must establish a united strategy and overcome inherent divisions.

Is Torture Ever Acceptable in COIN Operations?

Jacob Uzzell • Apr 12 2012 • Essays

Torture is not a necessity in counterinsurgency as a tactic or a strategy, even in extreme situations in which it appears a tempting option.

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