Middle East

Rogue Relations under Max-Pressure: Iran-Venezuela Bilateral Engagement 2013–2020

Josh Chang • Mar 8 2021 • Essays

Comparing Iran-Venezuela leaders’ meetings shows that the US maximum pressure campaign against the two states has created an alliance around anti-Americanism.

The Middle East: An Orientalist Creation

Arwa Syed • Feb 25 2021 • Essays

The Middle East can be understood as an imperial invention–created by European colonial powers–by exploring historic and contemporary orientalist policies in the region.

Impact of Regime Policies on the Rise of Sectarian Violence: Case of Syria

Ondrej Palicka • Feb 21 2021 • Essays

Neopatrimonialism is the root cause of sectarian division that allows the reproduction of sectarian identity.

Agonizing Assemblages: The Slow Violence of Garbage in the Yemeni Civil War

Maxwell Fenton • Feb 14 2021 • Essays

The war in Yemen has created a garbage collection crisis which is enacting a slow violence against Yemenites who suffer negative health and environmental effects.

Assessing Syria’s Chemical Weapons Ambiguity

Dorothea Koehn • Jan 29 2021 • Essays

Syria’s case evidences that norm cascades alone do not guarantee the adoption of international frameworks. Rather, norm cascades can be reconciled with the strategic priorities that realists emphasize.

Virtual Invasion: ‘Just War’ and Orientalism in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Felix Hulse • Dec 17 2020 • Essays

The latest game in the Call of Duty franchise is shown to rely on Orientalist caricatures, skewed perceptions of violence, and a narrative of ‘Western’ righteousness.

‘Drone Vision’: Precision Ethics Theory and the Royal Air Force’s use of Drones

James Greenhalgh • Nov 9 2020 • Essays

‘Drone vision’ leads us to ask if drone pilots can make correct and accurate decisions in order to prevent the deaths of non-combatants.

Israel-Palestine and the EU’s New ‘Language of Power’ – Plus Ça Change?

Emma Evans • Oct 17 2020 • Essays

For the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is argued that Josep Borrell pay attention to discursive and social factors in the EU’s long-standing foreign policy commitment.

Women at War in the Middle East: Gendered Dynamics of ISIS and the Kurdish YPJ

Kristin Thue • Sep 21 2020 • Essays

A gendered lens on women’s participation in the Syrian conflict highlights factors crucial to understanding the full scope of violence in Middle Eastern politics.

The Barriers and Weaknesses of Kofi Annan’s Mediation Efforts in Syria

Tara Cranna • Jul 2 2020 • Essays

Despite the failure of the former UN Secretary-General’s efforts in Syria, his work acts as a timeless basis for understanding how mediation efforts can fail.

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