Middle East

Beyond Black Flags: Daesh as a Framework for Strategic Identity Analysis

James Brackenbury • Dec 19 2018 • Essays

Strategic culture analysis’ inability to properly approach non-state actors as a unit of analysis means that modern asymmetric conflicts, such as with ISIS/Daesh, are rendered incomprehensible.

The Governance of Savagery: International Society, Sovereignty and the Islamic State

Jonathan Burden • Dec 8 2018 • Essays

The gap between the analytical tools of IR and its epistemological western framework has contributed to the failure to predict major ‘upheavals’ in the Middle East.

Perpetual Conflict of ‘Turkishness’: The Turkish State and its Minority Groups.

Elizabete Aunina • Nov 4 2018 • Essays

Turkishness identity has an effect on the social/legal spheres of its state relations and has Othered the largest ethnic/religious minorities, the Kurds and the Alevis.

(Re)Shaping Territories to Identities: Is the Middle East a Colonial Invention?

Yatana Yamahata • Oct 7 2018 • Essays

Orientalism served as a basis of colonial thought and activity that enabled and justified the intervention of the ‘Middle East’ without considering different identities.

The Spread of Islamic Terror in the Contemporary World

Patrick Hinton • Sep 23 2018 • Essays

The crux of the spread of terrorism lies individual leaders being able to anchor terrorist groups in weak states and use modern communication technologies effectively.

Egypt’s Social Welfare: A Lifeline for the People or the Ruling Regime?

Ahmed Elsayed • Jul 23 2018 • Essays

Egypt has one of the most comprehensive welfare systems in Africa and the Middle East but has proved unable to alleviate poverty or improve social justice in the country.

A Spectre of Conflict: Shaping Lebanese Sectarianism and Identity Politics

Petros Petrikkos • Jul 3 2018 • Essays

Sectarianism has gone beyond religious elements, and is actually fueled by identity politics. A united identity in Lebanon is needed to ensure continuing stability.

Oppressing Islamists and Domestic Insecurity in Egypt and Tajikistan

Elizabete Aunina • Apr 19 2018 • Essays

Is the oppression of Islamists a mobilizing factor for mass mobilization against the state? The case studies of Egypt and Tajikistan provide interesting insights.

Diglossia and Politics in Arabic

Ryan Zohar • Mar 29 2018 • Essays

Political actors in the Middle East use the diglossic features of Arabic to match their language to the political context, as speeches made during the Arab Spring show.

Identity and Turkish Foreign Policy in the AK Parti Era

Alexandros Zachariades • Mar 21 2018 • Essays

Turkish foreign policy and identity need to be understood across time whilst taking into consideration the AKP’s domestic power via the Kemalist military establishment.

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