Middle East

Hezbollah: At the Crossroads of Religion and Politics

Mairi Robertson • Nov 26 2017 • Essays

Hezbollah is at a crossroads in Syria, where its web of identities is in danger of coming undone.

The Effect of the Intervention in Libya on the International Debate about Syria

Jonathan Pugh • Nov 9 2017 • Essays

The intervention in Libya was seen by non-Western states as a dangerous legal precedent undermining the status state sovereignty had been given under international law.

The Iraqi Disarmament Crisis: What Lessons Can Be Learned?

Carlos Rodriguez • Oct 2 2017 • Essays

This detailed case study of the Iraqi disarmament crisis considers where international actors went wrong and what lessons need to be learned to avoid future crises.

Strategy Not Sacrilege: State Terrorism as an Element of Foreign Policy

Paul Butchard • Sep 18 2017 • Essays

Relying on case studies of Pakistan and the U.S., this essay argues that the state’s use of terrorism be more fully integrated into the study of foreign policy.

An Analysis of Online Terrorist Recruiting and Propaganda Strategies

Mark Taylor • Jul 19 2017 • Essays

The rise to prominence of online terrorist recruitment and propaganda strategies has become a major concern of national security services worldwide.

The Perception Gap Over Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Shawn McFall • Jul 13 2017 • Essays

The ongoing challenge for the United States and the International Community is the ambiguity over Saudi Arabia and Iran’s nuclear aspirations.

Compliance with UN Watercourses Convention: Half Full or Half Empty?

Bhargav Sriganesh • May 12 2017 • Essays

How can the UN Watercourses Convention minimise the risks of inter-state conflict over water resources?

The Aesthetics of Revolt: Emerging Political Subjectivities in the Arab Spring

Samuel Singler • May 12 2017 • Essays

Aesthetic forms of revolt live on in the collective memory as well as in their material forms, and continue to provide a repertoire for subsequent political action.

The Alleged Failure of Multilateralism in Syria: Beyond a Realist Trap

Thomas Dayer • May 11 2017 • Essays

Earlier in history, multilateralism was deemed a ‘realist necessity’. In the current era, it is reshaped through battles of values.

Who is Winning the ‘War on Terror’?

Henna Chauhan • Apr 17 2017 • Essays

Bush’s ‘war on terror’ was constructed as unwinnable and never-ending, Obama has not successfully proposed a counter-hegemonic discourse with the strength to oppose it.

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