Middle East

Inconsistency, Hegemony, Colonialism and Genocide: How R2P Failed Libya

Conner Peta • Feb 21 2017 • Essays

States’ strategic interests should play no role in deciding where to intervene and who to save.

The Nakba, The Holocaust and Collective Victimhood

Uygar Baspehlivan • Jan 9 2017 • Essays

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is perpetuated by culturally and socially embedded discourses of victimhood that are existent in both countries’ narratives.

Terrorism and the PLO: The Effectiveness of Terrorism as a Political Tool

Sarah Gilmour • Dec 5 2016 • Essays

The example of the PLO’s terrorist campaign against Israel demonstrates that terrorism is unlikely to be an effective tool to achieve political goals.

Dependency Theory: A Useful Tool for Analyzing Global Inequalities Today?

Elisabeth Farny • Nov 23 2016 • Essays

Several thoughts and concepts from the dependency approach are still applicable for making sense of global inequalities in today’s globalized world.

Are Arab Nationalism and Islamism Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Nathanael Chouraqui • Sep 2 2016 • Essays

Arab nationalism & Islamism, intertwined from birth, grew out of a shared anti-Western identity but the contents & meanings of this rejection are fundamentally different.

The Fateful 52: How the American Media Sensationalized the Iran Hostage Crisis

Monica L. Coscia • Aug 20 2016 • Essays

The US media’s generalization of the Iran hostage crisis through a liberal, secular, Western democracy lens marred Iran’s image and influenced US responses to the crisis.

How Does Violence Against Women Manifest? The Case of Post-Conflict Afghanistan

Amy Jo Davies • Aug 18 2016 • Essays

Structural violence helps explain oppression of women caused by conflict but a continuation of patriarchal customs & occidentalist/orientalist agendas also contributes.

The Impact of Gush Emunim on the Social and Political Fabric of Israeli Society

Iain MacGillivray • Jul 21 2016 • Essays

While Gush Emunim may no longer exist as a movement, its ideologies remain and continue to have a severe and negative impact on Israeli society.

Revisiting the Neo-Neo Debate: NATO Involvement in the Refugee Crisis

Michal Ovádek • Jul 18 2016 • Essays

Neorealism’s balance of threat framework and neoliberalism’s focus on issue linkages are still relevant tools to explain NATO’s current involvement in the refugee crisis.

Does the Inclusion of Women in Peace Building Processes Make a Difference?

Katherine Remenyi • Jul 7 2016 • Essays

Rather than including more women in peace-building to make positive difference to the processes and outcomes, a gender sensitive approach should be considered.

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