North America

Social Media in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

Matthew Ellis • Jul 28 2017 • Essays

The traditional news media’s efforts to produce constant coverage of the events from the 2016 US election campaign have left it exposed to growing social media trends.

An Analysis of Online Terrorist Recruiting and Propaganda Strategies

Mark Taylor • Jul 19 2017 • Essays

The rise to prominence of online terrorist recruitment and propaganda strategies has become a major concern of national security services worldwide.

Compliance with UN Watercourses Convention: Half Full or Half Empty?

Bhargav Sriganesh • May 12 2017 • Essays

How can the UN Watercourses Convention minimise the risks of inter-state conflict over water resources?

Comparing the Foreign Policy Doctrines of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush

Marcella Berkeley Gill • Apr 14 2017 • Essays

Bush’s unilateralism, pre-emption and US primacy displayed a confrontational disposition while Clinton made more of an effort to engage with all corners of the world.

Has Obama Delivered Change Or Continuity In US Foreign Policy?

Javier Martín Merchán • Jan 20 2017 • Essays

As Obama departs office, his ability to deliver change and attitude to foreign policies is retrospectively assessed.

Economic Interdependence and Conflict – The Case of the US and China

Joel Einstein • Jan 17 2017 • Essays

The liberal assumption that high levels of trade and investment between two states like the US and China will make war unlikely, if not impossible, is overly simplistic.

Dependency Theory: A Useful Tool for Analyzing Global Inequalities Today?

Elisabeth Farny • Nov 23 2016 • Essays

Several thoughts and concepts from the dependency approach are still applicable for making sense of global inequalities in today’s globalized world.

Mexico’s Neoliberal Fix: U.S. Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs

Constantin Gouvy • Oct 19 2016 • Essays

Neoliberal policies of the 1980-90s in Mexico have triggered the explosion of violence caused by Drug Trafficking Organisations and that is, to this day, still present.

US-China Relations in Cyberspace: The Benefits and Limits of a Realist Analysis

Elizabeth Thomas • Aug 28 2016 • Essays

Offensive realism provides a useful framework for considering the national security rivalry in cyberspace and illuminates the current security competition.

Can ‘Title X’ Improve Women and Young People’s Reproductive Health?

Nidha Khan • Aug 1 2016 • Essays

Reproductive health care policies, like Title X in the U.S., are controversial. Their ability to be effective has been constrained by opposition from various groups.

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