International Security

Private Military Companies and Sacrifice: Reshaping State Sovereignty

Samuel Stockwell • Jun 24 2020 • Essays

The use of private military companies by states fundamentally alters a crucial tenant of sovereign power during war with regard to national sacrifice.

Liberal Peace and Its Crisis: The Revival of Authoritarianism

Johanna Kuchling • Jun 16 2020 • Essays

Only a renewed commitment to liberal peace can prevent authoritarian states from enforcing a new paradigm of illiberal peace.

ISIS, Radicalization and the Gendered Online Jihad

Emma van den Aakster • May 22 2020 • Essays

Female foreign recruits to ISIS are an important, though often-ignored, part of the organization. All ISIS recruits contribute to state-building in gendered ways.

Is There a Right to Secession in International Law?

Mia Abel • May 18 2020 • Essays

There is minimal and conflicting evidence in regard to the application of the right to remedial secession in practice, requiring consolidation from the ICJ.

Problematic Positivism: A Post-structural Critique of Power under Neorealism

John Waggoner Roush • Apr 30 2020 • Essays

Post-structuralism’s understanding of power, intertwined with knowledge, successfully challenges neorealism’s dominant, but strictly positivist, perspective.

Gilpinian Realism and Peaceful Change: The Coming Sino-American Power Transition

Keelan Waldron • Apr 23 2020 • Essays

Despite predictions of a future Sino-American war due to China’s rise to power, the US could and should retrench—as it is imperially overstretched—to avoid conflict.

There Is No Attribution Problem, Only a Diplomatic One

Eva-Nour Repussard • Mar 22 2020 • Essays

Although cyberattacks can be attributed with high confidence, plausible deniability allows perpetrators to escape punishment.

International Law on Cyber Security in the Age of Digital Sovereignty

Abid A. Adonis • Mar 14 2020 • Essays

The present international law on cyber relations does not effectively apply to states given challenges of jurisdiction, arbitration, and legal instruments.

Is the Military a Masculinised Expression of Society?

Maya Lahav • Mar 10 2020 • Essays

The military is representative of an international political landscape in which masculinity is considered natural and superior to feminine traits.

Visceralities of the Border: Contemporary Border Regimes in a Globalised World

Daniel Harrison • Mar 1 2020 • Essays

Inverting the premise of the borderless capitalist landscape, it is argued that the border is constitutive of capitalism and at the heart of social life today.

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