International Security

Obama and ‘Learning’ in Foreign Policy: Military Intervention in Libya and Syria

Rupert Schulenburg • Sep 5 2019 • Essays

‘Learning’ as an analytical framework shows how Obama’s decision-making towards the Gaddafi and Assad regimes was informed by past US interventions.

Resisting Necropolitics: Reconceptualizing Agency in Mbembé and Agamben

Jonas Skorzak • Aug 21 2019 • Essays

Mbembé’s “living dead” and Agamben’s “bare life” should be reconceptualized as performative acts in line with Butler’s theory, allowing for agency and acts of resistance.

Policy Failure and Unipolarity on the Eve of Operation Desert Storm

Riccardo Ghioni • Jul 31 2019 • Essays

The unprecedented support for Operation Desert Storm was facilitated by a combination of primary and secondary factors.

A Biopolitical and Necropolitical Analysis of Nuclear Weapon Proliferation

Emma Clark • Jul 18 2019 • Essays

The logic of the non-proliferation regime and the choice to proliferate can be explained by the theoretical fusion of biopolitics and necropolitics.

Examining and Critiquing the Security–Development Nexus

Jelte Schievels • Jul 15 2019 • Essays

The idea of a security-development nexus, that a country’s well-being depends on its level of development, is too simplistic to explain the dynamics of conflict.

The Limitations and Capabilities of the United Nations in Modern Conflict

Nina Kalantar • Jul 10 2019 • Essays

The ongoing Syrian Civil War exemplifies the need to reform the United Nations Security Council in order to better address elements of modern conflict.

The Third Pillar: The Vulnerable Component of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’

Coline Célérier • Jul 4 2019 • Essays

The lack of consensus surrounding the Third Pillar of R2P, as well as the ambiguity of R2P’s framework, prevents its establishment as a global norm.

The US Cannot Take the Japanese Alliance for Granted

Lucas Thoma • Jun 24 2019 • Essays

Japan is likely to be the ultimate determining factor in peace and stability in East Asia. To avoid insecurity and great power war, diplomatic efforts should be pursued.

A New Conceptualisation of Child Reintegration in Conflict Contexts

Tania González Veiga • Jun 21 2019 • Essays

DDR programmes continue to fail at meeting specific needs of children associated with armed forces and groups. A reconceptualisation of these programmes is needed.

Directors of the Apocalypse: A Tale of Russo-Soviet Nuclear Mismanagement

Katherine Katula • May 28 2019 • Essays

Due to unchecked authoritarian practices, pre- and post-Soviet Russia has grossly mismanaged its nuclear facilities with disastrous consequences.

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