International Security

Is Humanitarianism Merely a New Name for Old Forms of Violence and Domination?

Leonie Schaefer • Oct 13 2018 • Essays

While humanitarianism has been undermined by political and state interests, positive elements of the core idea still exist and should not be overlooked.

The Implicit Imperialism of Democratic Peace

Alexandros Zachariades • Oct 9 2018 • Essays

The idea that democratization is the path to peace rose with liberal victory after the Cold War, but this lacked major empirical backing or a tested peacebuilding model.

Mapping the Nexus Between Security and Development in the 21st Century

Leon Donadoni • Sep 29 2018 • Essays

While a mutually constitutive nexus between the fields of security and development exists, the relationship’s content remains ill-defined and unclear.

Gendered Perspectives and Nuclear Disarmament

Lauren Perlik • Sep 24 2018 • Essays

The inclusion of gendered perspectives in security issues is essential and may even provide an impetus for total nuclear disarmament.

The Spread of Islamic Terror in the Contemporary World

Patrick Hinton • Sep 23 2018 • Essays

The crux of the spread of terrorism lies individual leaders being able to anchor terrorist groups in weak states and use modern communication technologies effectively.

Mass Atrocities and Western Imperialism: Evaluating “Responsibility to Protect”

Laura Ningelgen • Sep 6 2018 • Essays

The Responsibility to Protect doctrine has largely failed to effectively end violence against civilians because of its status as a mechanism of humanitarian imperialism.

How Does Hegemonic Masculinity Influence Wartime Sexual Violence?

Emer Campbell • Sep 2 2018 • Essays

This student essay aims to illustrate how hegemonic masculinity is constructed, maintained and legitimated through the practice of sexual violence.

Security as a Normative Issue: Ethical Responsibility and the Copenhagen School

Nathan Olsen • Aug 27 2018 • Essays

The securitization process depends on the legitimacy of the securitizing actor and the acceptance of a threat by the intended audience.

Re-Framing Gender Relations in Conflict Settings: UNSCR 1325 in Sierra Leone

Effrosyni Chantzi • Aug 20 2018 • Essays

Despite its operationalization as a National Action Plan, UNSCR 1325 has not yet sufficiently transformed women’s political representation in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

The Absence of Methodology in Securitisation Theory

Karoline Färber • Aug 7 2018 • Essays

A focus on scientific ontological debates and an ambiguous theoretical conceptualisation of security prohibits the development of a consistent methodology in securitisation theory.

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