International Security

Economic Interdependence and Conflict – The Case of the US and China

Joel Einstein • Jan 17 2017 • Essays

The liberal assumption that high levels of trade and investment between two states like the US and China will make war unlikely, if not impossible, is overly simplistic.

When to Hire a Hitman: A Theoretical Framework for Just Assassination

Heather Van Hull • Dec 5 2016 • Essays

With the exponential rise of civilian casualties in modern warfare, political assassination could serve as an effective, more ‘humane’ means of humanitarian intervention.

Terrorism and the PLO: The Effectiveness of Terrorism as a Political Tool

Sarah Gilmour • Dec 5 2016 • Essays

The example of the PLO’s terrorist campaign against Israel demonstrates that terrorism is unlikely to be an effective tool to achieve political goals.

Factors Behind Deteriorating Sino-Japanese Relations

Gerald Sim • Nov 1 2016 • Essays

Incidents such as territorial disputes and nationalist protests are but symptoms of deeper undercurrents at work in deteriorating Sino-Japanese relations.

Kunarac: Defining Rape under International Criminal Law

Werner Hofs • Oct 16 2016 • Essays

The Kunarac case represented the international community’s willingness to recognise women’s vulnerability to mass atrocities.

Dying to Bomb: An Interactive Triangular Approach to Suicide Terrorism

Claire Akkaoui • Sep 22 2016 • Essays

Suicide terrorism can only be found in an interactive triangular framework involving organisation, individual and society.

False Victimisation Narratives: Female Suicide Bombers of the Developing World

Rachel Hao • Sep 13 2016 • Essays

The dominant discourse surrounding female suicide bombers is discursive and reductive. It silences the diversity of motivations associated with female participation.

A Theoretical Analysis of Russian Foreign Policy: Changes Under Vladimir Putin

Giovanni Baldoni • Sep 10 2016 • Essays

Russian foreign policy is largely influenced by Putin’s desire to remain in power and the need to contain domestic restructurings through securing domestic support.

Preemptive Self-Defense, Customary International Law, and the Congolese Wars

Patrick Kelly • Sep 3 2016 • Essays

Preemptive self-defence was cited by Rwanda and Uganda during the two Congolese Wars, presenting some significant questions for international law.

Are Arab Nationalism and Islamism Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Nathanael Chouraqui • Sep 2 2016 • Essays

Arab nationalism & Islamism, intertwined from birth, grew out of a shared anti-Western identity but the contents & meanings of this rejection are fundamentally different.

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