International Security

Applying Jus Ad Bellum in Cyberspace

Sophie Barnett • Sep 1 2016 • Essays

Existing law governing jus ad bellum does not satisfactorily address the unique characteristics of cyber attacks.

Critical Terrorism Studies – A Case of Overemphasising the Discursive?

Niklas Sense • Sep 1 2016 • Essays

Evaluations of the two commitments of Critical Terrorism Studies – acting as a normative tool on one hand and an analytical tool on the other – has to be done separately.

Truth Commissions and the Mental Health of Victims

Jorge Gutierrez Lucena • Aug 28 2016 • Essays

Testifying before truth-telling mechanisms, such as truth commissions and gacaca, can cause psychological harm to the participants.

US-China Relations in Cyberspace: The Benefits and Limits of a Realist Analysis

Elizabeth Thomas • Aug 28 2016 • Essays

Offensive realism provides a useful framework for considering the national security rivalry in cyberspace and illuminates the current security competition.

Japan: The ‘Normal’ Pacifist

Tom Barber • Aug 21 2016 • Essays

Tokyo’s pacifism is best understood not as a capitulating monolithic anomaly, but as one enduring component of a multifaceted and eclectic strategic calculus.

What Moral Justifications Can There Be For Ever Allowing Killing In Wartime?

Michael Burtt • Aug 20 2016 • Essays

The principle of self-defence that can allow for just killing does not hold in the context of war, based on the notion that we should assume that all combatants are just.

The Fateful 52: How the American Media Sensationalized the Iran Hostage Crisis

Monica L. Coscia • Aug 20 2016 • Essays

The US media’s generalization of the Iran hostage crisis through a liberal, secular, Western democracy lens marred Iran’s image and influenced US responses to the crisis.

How Does Violence Against Women Manifest? The Case of Post-Conflict Afghanistan

Amy Jo Davies • Aug 18 2016 • Essays

Structural violence helps explain oppression of women caused by conflict but a continuation of patriarchal customs & occidentalist/orientalist agendas also contributes.

Securitisation of Zika

Josie Hornung • Aug 17 2016 • Essays

The securitisation of the Zika virus in Brazil has been considered as an effective method to prevent it – but this may be an unnecessary step.

The Zika Outbreak: A Public Health Challenge Highlighting Structural Power

Sacha Blumen • Aug 14 2016 • Essays

The current outbreak of Zika virus disease, centred in Brazil, highlights the population-level fears that can arise in response to infectious disease pandemics.

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