International Security

Questioning the Inevitability of the Cold War

Constantinos Onesilou • Aug 10 2016 • Essays

The Cold War was an avertable product of impulsive and unpredictable actions of instrumental individuals operating in accordance to their free will.

Excluded: The Sense of Non-Belonging and Violent Radicalisation in the UK

Lorand Bodo • Aug 7 2016 • Essays

Alienation of British Muslims through policies, society, domestic life and non-inclusive Mosques are presented as contributory factors in cases of violent radicalisation.

Socio-ecological Security: Moving Beyond the Human-Nature Dualism

Martin Wikören Mogstad • Aug 5 2016 • Essays

Socio-ecological security is a relational and normative concept that sees humans as internal to nature, and seeks to secure sustainable socio-ecological relations.

The Evolution of Russian Organised Crime and the Challenge to Democracy

Jessica Xiao • Jul 31 2016 • Essays

The growth of Russian organised crime poses a huge threat to the development of democracy in the Russian state and other transitioning states around the globe.

How Can We Explain the Existence of Al-Qaeda?

Mariya Grozdanova • Jul 31 2016 • Essays

The emergence of Al-Qaeda is influenced by structural factors, but it cannot operate effectively in the longer term without its principle resource – its human capital.

Rethinking North Korea: Path toward Denuclearization and Stability in East Asia

Shawn McFall • Jul 31 2016 • Essays

If the United States wants to see a change in North Korea behavior, the United States should pursue economic and diplomatic engagement to build an environment of trust.

Rethinking How the War on Terror Misjudges Terrorism in Liquid Modernity

Tianyang Liu • Jul 29 2016 • Essays

Certainty seems to slip away when we are facing the decline of traditional power relations and mediating new forms of governance.

The Impact of Gush Emunim on the Social and Political Fabric of Israeli Society

Iain MacGillivray • Jul 21 2016 • Essays

While Gush Emunim may no longer exist as a movement, its ideologies remain and continue to have a severe and negative impact on Israeli society.

Revisiting the Neo-Neo Debate: NATO Involvement in the Refugee Crisis

Michal Ovádek • Jul 18 2016 • Essays

Neorealism’s balance of threat framework and neoliberalism’s focus on issue linkages are still relevant tools to explain NATO’s current involvement in the refugee crisis.

Defending Europe Without an Army: The Potential of the Common Security Policy

Alfred Roberts • Jul 15 2016 • Essays

The European Common Security and Defence Policy has not led to popular support for a ‘European Army’, however it offers potential civilian forms of security.

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