International Security

Counterinsurgency and Female Engagement Teams in the War in Afghanistan

Gabrielle Cook • Aug 16 2015 •

Female Engagement Teams are the most resourceful way to engage with the female population of a host nation with dissimilar gender norms.

Thrice in a Century: The Canadian Military Involvement in Europe from 1951-1991

Emily Tsui • Aug 16 2015 • Essays

Canada’s military involvement in Europe from 1951-1991 was to protect its diplomatic image, contribute to international security, and protect its economic interests.

Do Regional Organisations Provide an Alternative to UN Peace Operations?

Andreas Fabian • Aug 16 2015 • Essays

ROs do not provide a credible alternative to the UN because the advantages are far outstripped by serious financial, logistical, and political obstacles they face.

Are Migration Policies in Europe and America Creating More or Less 

Kristiana Eleftheria Papi • Aug 11 2015 • Essays

The EU and the US are increasingly portraying immigrant populations as threats to a nation’s security both in physical and figurative senses.

Classical Realism and Human Nature: An Alternative Reading

Michal Ovádek • Aug 9 2015 • Essays

A historically complete genealogy of human nature would help clarify the diversity behind the realist trivialization of differences between the various conceptions.

Shared Stewardship: A Solomonic Solution to the South China Sea Conflict

Sass Rogando Sasot • Aug 9 2015 • Essays

The Biblical story of King Solomon and the two mothers can serve as a metaphorical tool to conceive a possible way out of the South China Sea impasse.

Death from above: Drones, Visuality and the Politics of Killing

Frederick Neve • Jul 27 2015 • Essays

The drone camera, and the drone vision it produces, has a complex and nuanced impact on the psychology of killing in war.

NATO’s Comprehensive Approach in Afghanistan: Origins, Development, and Outcome

Sverrir Steinsson • Jul 26 2015 • Essays

The peace operations of the 1990s, Danish initiative-taking, several NATO summits, and Obama’s election were all factors that led to the adoption of the CA by NATO.

The Eurozone Crisis and the CSDP: The Problem of Public Opinion

Jakob Mckernan • Jul 25 2015 • Essays

If the EU is hoping to further integrate security and defense polices from an intergovernmental level to a supranational level, then it must take seriously public support

Unknown Knowns: A Groupthink Model on the U.S. Decision to go to War In Iraq

Vilde Rodin • Jul 25 2015 • Essays

There are clear indications that the decision making process in the buildup to the War in Iraq was influenced by groupthink, which ultimately led to a poor outcome.

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