International Security

Are Non-democracies More Susceptible to Coups than Democracies in West Africa?

Aditya Kurup • Apr 22 2022 • Essays

This essay identifies three broad reasons for coups in West Africa: ethnic fractionalization, lack of economic progress and military dominance over civilians.

Transforming Global Food Systems: Centering Indigenous Land Returns

Fian Sullivan Sweeney • Apr 15 2022 • Essays

Greater land returns to Indigenous people and recognition of Indigenous sovereignty can address the worsening global food insecurity crises.

Citizenship Deprivation Policy in the UK and Abroad: a Postcolonial Analysis

Kate Goodfellow • Apr 10 2022 • Essays

Colonial history is still reflected in the UK citizen deprivation policy, segregating white and Muslim British citizens—it has a global impact too.

GDPR as a Global Standards? Brussels’ Instrument of Policy Diffusion

Marco Luisi • Apr 9 2022 • Essays

This research argues that the regulatory instrument deployed by the EU, the GDPR, does influence the behaviors of foreign companies and governments as well.

Neo and the ‘Hacker Paradox’: A Discussion on the Securitization of Cyberspace

Bernardo Beiriz • Feb 24 2022 • Essays

Characterization of hackers as ‘IT professionals’ or as ‘computer hackers’ by the state influences the dynamics of cyberspace securitization.

What Does Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s Death Mean for the Future of ISIS?

Sybren Enserink • Feb 18 2022 • Essays

The death of the ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was an important symbolic loss, but will not determine the future and power of the group.

Neorealism: Internal Debates and Relevance to Space Militarisation

Joshua James Hudson • Feb 10 2022 • Essays

This essay explores the contention of neorealism with other strands of realist thinking, as well as applies neorealism to explain the continuing space militarisation.

Is War A Social Construction?

Eric Hager • Feb 5 2022 • Essays

It is argued that war is a social construct bound by certain a priori biases that shape the nature of social interactions and interpersonal relations.

NATO and Russia: A Defensive Expansion?

Julian Izzo • Jan 31 2022 • Essays

An exclusive NATO expansion created lopsided gains, violating the strategic balance between Russia and the West.

On Reagan’s Legacy: A Comparison with Trump and Biden

Rob May • Jan 23 2022 • Essays

In considering approaches to avert conflict, it may be useful to assess the legacy of President Ronald Reagan, whose administration stewarded the end of the first cold war.

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