International Security

The Dangers of Obama’s Cut-Price Foreign Policy

Samuel Abbott • May 1 2014 • Essays

Obama’s foreign policy has neglected the long-term strategic dangers of making political decisions based on seeking short-term public, political, and economic stability.

Three Phases of Resistance: How Hezbollah Pushed Israel Out of Lebanon

David Sousa • Apr 28 2014 • Essays

Hezbollah’s strategy was successful due to its ability to secure a strategic relationship with a patron, arouse popular local support, and use novel methods of fighting.

How Convincing is the Democratic Peace Thesis?

Therese Etten • Apr 26 2014 • Essays

A weakness of the democratic peace theory lies within disagreements over the meaning of the term, which has brought about the emergence of democratic difference.

The Syrian Uprising and Social Movements Theory

Sindre Gade Viksand • Apr 17 2014 • Essays

Syria’s strong patrimonial military has no incentives to break with the regime. Until such incentives exist, the uprisings will probably fail.

Crouching Dragon, Ambling Elephant, and the Hawkish Eagle

Divya Srikanth • Apr 12 2014 • Essays

The US strategic “pivot” to India can be a source of stability to India-China relations, depending on how India’s foreign policy balances both US and China.

Can a Nuclear Iran be Considered a Threat to Regional and Global Security?

Charlotte Love • Apr 12 2014 • Essays

A nuclear and emboldened Iran engaging in small conflicts presents an acute threat to security because the threat of inadvertent escalation is so dangerous.

Do Drone Strike Assassinations Render Conceptions of ‘Just War’ Redundant?

Hannah Eastwood • Apr 8 2014 • Essays

War on Terror drone policies problematise classic Just War (JW) approaches. However, JW-inspired international law has the ability to ensure accountability.

Yemen’s Water Scarcity as a Threat to National Security

Susanne Hartmann • Apr 6 2014 • Essays

Within the past couple decades, the discourse surrounding water scarcity in Yemen has shifted; this scarcity is now seen as a contributing threat to national security.

Is Nuclear Technology the Answer to Asia’s Energy Future?

anon • Apr 5 2014 • Essays

Asia’s energy future depends on increasing energy efficiency, reducing fossil fuel imports, and increasing the role of renewable and nuclear energies.

Rhetoric, Perspectives, and Reactions of the Soviet Union to US-China Relations

Adam Moscoe • Apr 4 2014 • Essays

By lacking a coherent strategy, the Soviet Union failed to acknowledge the possibility that the US could be seeking an easing of tensions with both communist superpowers.

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