International Security

The Permissive Promise

Eric Lenier Ives • Apr 2 2014 • Essays

International law seeks to codify the international playing field. However, it is an essentially elastic & permissive system reflecting real-world power distributions.

Sanctioning Iran: What is the U.S. Trying to Accomplish?

Richard Placzek • Apr 1 2014 • Essays

The U.S. missed a chance to come to a peaceful resolution when Iran’s last reformist leader was in office. It needs to finish the job by working out a long term agreement

The Impact of Islamic Politics on the 2003 Iraq War

Nick Newsom • Mar 31 2014 • Essays

By sponsoring the mujahidin, the US and Pakistan empowered an ideology and movement that encouraged tensions within the Muslim political communities of the Persian Gulf.

Political Corruption and Insecurity in Southeast Asia

Cristian Vaduva • Mar 26 2014 • Essays

Political corruption in Southeast Asia is an important threat to political and economic security, as external influences on corruption create domestic insecurity.

A Human Security Approach to Addressing Piracy Off the Coast of Africa

Allan McRae • Mar 25 2014 • Essays

A naval approach to Somali piracy is & will continue to be ineffective – it doesn’t address its root causes. Piracy will continue without a human security approach.

The Major Limits to Naval Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

Stefanie Kam • Mar 17 2014 • Essays

Due to crucial political, strategic, military and security difficulties, the Asia-Pacific region is experiencing less naval cooperation than the Western nations.

Pre-Emption and Israeli Decision-Making in 1967 and 1973

Sara Sudetic • Mar 16 2014 • Essays

Israel felt vulnerable in 1967, but in 1973 Israeli leaders decided against pre-emption, due to overwhelming military self-confidence and new-found strategic depth.

Capitalism & Insecurity: How Promoting Western Values Fails to Create Peace

Rusu Mihai Alin • Mar 13 2014 • Essays

The spread of capitalism in globalisation does not spread nor create peace, but rather, creates the conditions in which conflicts, exploitation and insecurities arise.

Why is Controlling the Spread of Nuclear Weapons So Difficult?

Matt Finucane • Mar 8 2014 • Essays

Controlling the spread of nuclear weapons remains an impossibility, for as history has shown, more often than not those states which desire them will achieve them.

The Fracturing of the Syrian Resistance Coalition and the Tripolar Civil War

David Reas • Mar 7 2014 • Essays

The transformation of the Syrian Civil War from a bipolar to a tripolar conflict came from incompatible visions of Syria’s future within the Syrian Resistance Coalition.

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